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There are 11 words containing 3E, F, G and 2I

BIREFRINGENCEbirefringence n. (Physics) The splitting of a ray of light into two parallel rays of perpendicular polarization by passage…
BIREFRINGENCE n. the refraction of light in an anisotropic material (as calcite) in two slightly different directions to form two rays.
BIREFRINGENCESbirefringences n. Plural of birefringence.
BIREFRINGENCE n. the refraction of light in an anisotropic material (as calcite) in two slightly different directions to form two rays.
DIGNIFIEDNESSESDIGNIFIEDNESS n. the state of being dignified.
FIDGETINESSESfidgetinesses n. Plural of fidgetiness.
FIDGETINESS n. the state of being fidgety.
FUGITIVENESSESFUGITIVENESS n. the state of being fugitive.
MISREFERENCINGmisreferencing v. Present participle of misreference.
MISREFERENCE v. to reference inaccurately.
PETTIFOGGERIESpettifoggeries n. Plural of pettifoggery.
PETTIFOGGERY n. dealing with trivial law cases.
REFRIGERATIVErefrigerative adj. Cooling; allaying heat.
refrigerative n. A refrigerant.
REFRIGERATIVE adj. serving to refrigerate.
REFRIGERATORIESrefrigeratories n. Plural of refrigeratory.
REFRIGERATORY n. a refrigerator; a chamber in which ice is formed.
REFRINGENCIESrefringencies n. Plural of refringency.
REFRINGENCY n. refractivity, also REFRINGENCE.
WINTERFEEDINGwinterfeeding v. Present participle of winterfeed.
WINTERFEED v. to feed livestock in winter when the grazing is not rich enough.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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