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There are 15 words containing 3E, 2F, M and T

AFFEERMENTaffeerment n. (Obsolete, law) The act of affeering or assessing an amercement, according to the circumstances of the case.
AFFEERMENT n. the act of affeering.
AFFEERMENTSaffeerments n. Plural of affeerment.
AFFEERMENT n. the act of affeering.
EFFACEMENTeffacement n. The act of expunging, of wiping out; expungement.
effacement n. Withdrawal in order to make oneself inconspicuous; the making of oneself inconspicuous.
effacement n. (Medicine) A shortening, or thinning, of the cervix before or during early labour.
EFFACEMENTSeffacements n. Plural of effacement.
EFFACEMENT n. the act of effacing.
EFFEMINATEeffeminate adj. (Often derogatory, of a man or boy) Exhibiting behaviour or mannerisms considered typical of a female; unmasculine.
effeminate adj. (Obsolete) Womanly; tender, affectionate, caring.
effeminate v. (Transitive, archaic or nonstandard) To make womanly; to unman.
EFFEMINATEDeffeminated v. Simple past tense and past participle of effeminate.
EFFEMINATE v. (archaic) to render effeminate.
EFFEMINATELYeffeminately adv. In an effeminate manner.
EFFEMINATE adv. womanish.
EFFEMINATENESSeffeminateness n. Effeminacy.
EFFEMINATENESS n. the state of being effeminate.
EFFEMINATESeffeminates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of effeminate.
effeminates n. Plural of effeminate.
EFFEMINATE v. (archaic) to render effeminate.
EFFUSIOMETEReffusiometer n. A device that measures the rate of effusion of a gas.
EFFUSIOMETER n. an instrument for comparing the molecular weights of gases.
EFFUSIOMETERSeffusiometers n. Plural of effusiometer.
EFFUSIOMETER n. an instrument for comparing the molecular weights of gases.
ENFEOFFMENTenfeoffment n. (Law, common law) The act or process of transferring possession and ownership of an estate in land.
enfeoffment n. (Law, common law) The property or estate so transferred.
enfeoffment n. (Law, common law) The instrument or deed by which one obtains such property or estate.
ENFEOFFMENTSenfeoffments n. Plural of enfeoffment.
ENFEOFFMENT n. the act of enfeoffing.
MUFFETTEEmuffettee n. Alternative form of muffetee.
MUFFETTEE n. (obsolete) a muffler, a woollen cuff.
MUFFETTEESmuffettees n. Plural of muffettee.
MUFFETTEE n. (obsolete) a muffler, a woollen cuff.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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