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There are 12 words containing 4E, G and 2O

OSTEOGENESESosteogeneses n. Plural of osteogenesis.
OSTEOGENESIS n. the production or formation of bone.
HETEROGENEOUSheterogeneous adj. Diverse in kind or nature; composed of diverse parts.
heterogeneous adj. (Mathematics) Incommensurable because of different kinds.
heterogeneous adj. (Physics, chemistry) Having more than one phase (solid, liquid, gas) present in a system or process.
VENEREOLOGIESVENEREOLOGY n. the study of venereal disease.
WOEBEGONENESSwoebegoneness n. The quality of being woebegone.
WOEBEGONENESS n. the state of being woebegone.
FOREGONENESSESFOREGONENESS n. the state of being foregone.
GEOTHERMOMETERgeothermometer n. (Geology) A proxy that allows for geothermometry, the determination of the temperature of a geological…
geothermometer n. (Obsolete) A thermometer designed for measuring extremely high temperatures below ground level.
GEOTHERMOMETER n. instrument for measuring subterranean temperatures.
GEOTHERMOMETERSgeothermometers n. Plural of geothermometer.
GEOTHERMOMETER n. instrument for measuring subterranean temperatures.
GLUCONEOGENESESgluconeogeneses n. Plural of gluconeogenesis.
GLUCONEOGENESIS n. the conversion of non-carbohydrate substances, e.g. amino acids, into glucose, also GLYCONEOGENESIS.
GLYCONEOGENESESGLYCONEOGENESIS n. the conversion of non-carbohydrate substances, e.g. amino acids, into glucose, also GLUCONEOGENESIS.
HETEROGENEOUSLYheterogeneously adv. In a heterogeneous manner.
HETEROGENEOUS adv. consisting of dissimilar or diverse ingredients or constituents.
STEROIDOGENESESsteroidogeneses n. Plural of steroidogenesis.
STEROIDOGENESIS n. the synthesis of steroids.
WOEBEGONENESSESWOEBEGONENESS n. the state of being woebegone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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