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There are 19 words containing 4E, G, I and M

BESEEMINGNESSbeseemingness n. The state or quality of being beseeming.
BESEEMINGNESS n. the state of being beseeming.
BESEEMINGNESSESBESEEMINGNESS n. the state of being beseeming.
BESIEGEMENTbesiegement n. The act of besieging, or the state of being besieged.
BESIEGEMENT n. the state of being besieged.
BESIEGEMENTSbesiegements n. Plural of besiegement.
BESIEGEMENT n. the state of being besieged.
EMERGENCIESemergencies n. Plural of emergency.
EMERGENCY n. an unexpected occurrence, requiring immediate action.
ENREGIMENTEDenregimented v. Simple past tense and past participle of enregiment.
ENREGIMENT v. to form into a regiment.
HETEROGAMETIESheterogameties n. Plural of heterogamety.
HETEROGAMETY n. the state of being heterogametic.
LEUCAEMOGENESISLEUCAEMOGENESIS n. the development of leukaemia.
LEUKAEMOGENESISleukaemogenesis n. The development of leukaemia.
LEUKAEMOGENESIS n. the development of leukaemia, also LEUKEMOGENESIS.
LEUKEMOGENESISleukemogenesis n. (Pathology) The induction and development of leukemia in bone marrow.
LEUKEMOGENESIS n. the development of leukaemia, also LEUKAEMOGENESIS.
NONEMERGENCIESnonemergencies n. Plural of nonemergency.
NONEMERGENCY n. something not an emergency.
SEEMINGNESSESSEEMINGNESS n. the state of seeming or being apparent.
SEMIEVERGREENsemievergreen adj. (Botany) Losing all of the leaves in winter only if it is cold enough.
semi-evergreen adj. Alternative form of semievergreen.
SEMIEVERGREEN adj. having functional and persistent foliage during part of the winter or dry season.
SEMIEVERGREENSSorry, definition not available.
SPERMIOGENESESspermiogeneses n. Plural of spermiogenesis.
SPERMIOGENESIS n. the stage in spermatogenesis in which spermatozoa are formed from spermatids.
TEEMINGNESSESTEEMINGNESS n. the state of being teeming.
TELEMEETINGtelemeeting n. A meeting between by remote participants by means of telecommunication or computer networks.
TELEMEETING n. a teleconference.
TELEMEETINGStelemeetings n. Plural of telemeeting.
TELEMEETING n. a teleconference.
TELEMETERINGtelemetering v. Present participle of telemeter.
TELEMETER v. to measure using a telemeter, an instrument for measuring strain or distance from observer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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