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There are 12 words containing 4E, F, G and I

DEEPFREEZINGdeep-freezing v. Present participle of deep-freeze.
DEEPFREEZE v. to freeze or keep as in a deepfreeze.
EIGENFREQUENCYeigenfrequency n. Natural frequency: the frequency at which a system tends to oscillate in the absence of any driving or damping force.
EIGENFREQUENCY n. a resonance frequency of a system.
FEIGNEDNESSESFEIGNEDNESS n. the state of being feigned.
FLEETINGNESSESfleetingnesses n. Plural of fleetingness.
FLEETINGNESS n. the state of being fleeting.
FREEWHEELINGfreewheeling adj. Unbounded by rules or conventions; unrestrained.
freewheeling v. Present participle of freewheel.
free-wheeling adj. Alternative form of freewheeling.
FREEWHEELINGLYfreewheelingly adv. In a freewheeling manner; without constraint.
FREEWHEELING adv. coasting.
FREEWHEELINGSFREEWHEELING n. the act of freewheeling.
REFEREEINGrefereeing v. Present participle of referee.
refereeing n. The peer review process.
REFEREEING n. acting as a referee.
REFEREEINGSrefereeings n. Plural of refereeing.
REFEREEING n. acting as a referee.
UNFEELINGNESSESUNFEELINGNESS n. the state of being unfeeling.
UNFEIGNEDNESSESUNFEIGNEDNESS n. the state of being unfeigned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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