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There are 15 words containing 5E, O and T

DECELEROMETERdecelerometer n. An instrument for measuring deceleration.
DECELEROMETER n. an instrument for measuring deceleration.
ELECTIONEEREDelectioneered v. Simple past tense and past participle of electioneer.
ELECTIONEER v. to take an active part in an election.
ELECTIONEERERelectioneerer n. One who electioneers.
ELECTIONEERER n. one who works to secure the election of a candidate.
HETEROGENESESheterogeneses n. Plural of heterogenesis.
HETEROGENESIS n. spontaneous or alternate generation, also HETEROGENY.
OVERSWEETENEDoversweetened adj. Excessively sweetened.
OVERSWEETEN v. to sweeten to excess.
DECELEROMETERSdecelerometers n. Plural of decelerometer.
DECELEROMETER n. an instrument for measuring deceleration.
ELECTIONEERERSelectioneerers n. Plural of electioneerer.
ELECTIONEERER n. one who works to secure the election of a candidate.
ELECTROGENESESelectrogeneses n. Plural of electrogenesis.
ELECTROGENESIS n. the production of electricity.
ENTEROCENTESESENTEROCENTESIS n. operative puncturing of the intestine.
TELECONFERENCEteleconference n. A telephone conference, an arranged phone call between more than two parties.
teleconference n. More generally, the live exchange of information among persons and machines remote from one another…
teleconference v. To take part in a teleconference.
HETEROGENEITIESheterogeneities n. Plural of heterogeneity.
HETEROGENEITY n. the state of being heterogeneous.
OVERREPRESENTEDoverrepresented v. Simple past tense and past participle of overrepresent.
overrepresented adj. Represented to an excessive degree, or in excessive numbers.
OVERREPRESENTED adj. represented excessively.
OVERSWEETNESSESOVERSWEETNESS n. the state of being oversweet.
TELECONFERENCESteleconferences n. Plural of teleconference.
TELECONFERENCE n. a meeting between people physically separated but linked by video, audio and/or computer facilities.
TELESTEREOSCOPEtelestereoscope n. A binocular telescope used for producing a stereoscopic image of a distant object.
TELESTEREOSCOPE n. an instrument for viewing distant objects stereoscopically.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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