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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing E, 2R, S, 2T and U

FROTTEURSfrotteurs n. Plural of frotteur.
FROTTEUR n. (French) the active participant in frottage, in the sexual sense.
FRUSTRATEfrustrate v. (Transitive) To disappoint or defeat; to vex by depriving of something expected or desired.
frustrate v. (Transitive) To hinder or thwart.
frustrate v. (Transitive) To cause stress or annoyance.
MUTTERERSmutterers n. Plural of mutterer.
MUTTERER n. one who mutters.
OVERTRUSTovertrust v. To trust too much.
overtrust n. Excessive trust.
OVERTRUST v. to trust excessively.
PUTTERERSputterers n. Plural of putterer.
PUTTERER n. one who putters.
REBUTTERSrebutters n. Plural of rebutter.
rebutters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rebutter.
REBUTTER n. one who rebuts.
SATURATERsaturater n. Alternative form of saturator.
SATURATER n. one who, or that which, saturates, also SATURATOR.
SPUTTERERsputterer n. Agent noun of sputter; one who sputters.
SPUTTERER n. one who sputters.
STRIATUREstriature n. A stria, or stripe.
STRIATURE n. a stria, a streak.
STRICTUREstricture n. (Usually in the plural) A rule restricting behaviour or action.
stricture n. A general state of restrictiveness on behavior, action, or ideology.
stricture n. A sternly critical remark or review.
STRUCTUREstructure n. A cohesive whole built up of distinct parts.
structure n. The underlying shape of a solid.
structure n. The overall form or organization of something.
STRUTTERSstrutters n. Plural of strutter.
STRUTTER n. one who struts.
STUTTERERstutterer n. Agent noun of stutter; one who stutters, one who speaks with a stutter.
STUTTERER n. one who stutters.
THRUSTERSthrusters n. Plural of thruster.
thrusters n. (US, historical, World War II) Those who are for military engagement.
THRUSTER n. one that thrusts, also THRUSTOR.
TORTURERStorturers n. Plural of torturer.
TORTURER n. one that tortures.
TRIBUTERStributers n. Plural of tributer.
TRIBUTER n. a miner who works for a certain portion of the ore, or its value.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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