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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing E, N, P, R, S and 2T

ENTREPOTSentrepots n. Plural of entrepot.
entrepôts n. Plural of entrepôt.
ENTREPOT n. (French) a place, such as a warehouse, port, or trading center, to which goods are brought for distribution to other parts of the world.
INPUTTERSinputters n. Plural of inputter.
INPUTTER n. someone who feeds in information.
PATENTORSpatentors n. Plural of patentor.
PATENTOR n. one who grants a patent.
PINSETTERpinsetter n. (Bowling, originally) The person who clears fallen pins and resets them in tenpin bowling or candlepin bowling.
pinsetter n. (Bowling) The machine that clears fallen pins and resets them in tenpin bowling or candlepin bowling.
pin-setter n. Alternative form of pinsetter.
STERNPORTsternport n. (Nautical) An opening in the rear part of a vessel.
STERNPORT n. a port or opening in the stern of a ship.
STERNPOSTsternpost n. (Nautical) A timber or steel bar extending from the keel to the main deck at the stern of a vessel.
STERNPOST n. the main member at the stern of a ship extending from keel to deck.
TRANSEPTStransepts n. Plural of transept.
TRANSEPT n. the part of a church at right angles to the nave.
TRAPNESTStrapnests n. Plural of trapnest.
trapnests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of trapnest.
trap␣nests n. Plural of trap nest.
TRIPTANEStriptanes n. Plural of triptane.
TRIPTANE n. trimethyl butane, a powerful aviation fuel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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