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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, N, O, 2R, T and U

BURRSTONEburrstone n. A tough, silicified limestone formerly used to make millstones. It is typified by the presence of multiple…
BURRSTONE n. a cellular, flinty rock, used for millstones, also BUHR, BUHRSTONE, BURSTONE.
CONSTRUERconstruer n. Someone who construes something.
CONSTRUER n. one who construes.
NONRETURNnonreturn n. Absence of return; failure to come back or bring back.
non-return adj. (Of a valve) allowing air or liquid to travel in one direction only, and not permitting its return.
NONRETURN adj. denoting a mechanism that permits flow in a pipe in one direction only.
NOURITUREnouriture n. Obsolete form of nurture.
NOURITURE n. nourishment, nurture, also NOURRITURE.
NUMERATORnumerator n. (Arithmetic) The number or expression written above the line in a fraction (such as 1 in ½).
numerator n. An enumerator; someone who counts.
NUMERATOR n. one who numbers.
OCCURRENToccurrent adj. Current, actual, occurring.
occurrent n. (Now chiefly philosophy) An event, something that occurs.
occurrent n. One who comes to meet another.
OUTRUNNERoutrunner n. An offshoot; a branch.
OUTRUNNER n. one who outruns.
OVERBURNToverburnt v. Simple past tense and past participle of overburn.
overburnt adj. Being burnt for far too long; excessively burnt.
over-burnt adj. Alternative form of overburnt.
OVERTURNSoverturns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overturn.
OVERTURN v. to turn over.
RACONTEURraconteur n. A storyteller, especially a person noted for telling stories with skill and wit.
raconteur v. To make witty remarks or stories.
RACONTEUR n. (French) a teller of anecdotes.
RECONTOURrecontour v. (Transitive) To contour again or anew.
RECONTOUR v. to contour again.
RECOUNTERrecounter n. One who recounts; the teller of a tale or experience.
RECOUNTER n. one who recounts.
REROUTINGrerouting v. Present participle of reroute.
rerouting n. The process by which something is rerouted; a diversion or redirection.
REROUTE v. to choose a different route.
RETOURINGRETOUR v. to confirm as heir.
ROUTINEERroutineer n. One who follows routine rather than innovating.
ROUTINEER n. one who adheres to a routine.
TOURNEYERtourneyer n. (Historical) One who took part in a medieval tourney.
TOURNEYER n. one who takes part in a tourney.
TOURNUREStournures n. Plural of tournure.
TOURNURE n. (French) graceful manner or bearing, deportment.
TROUNCERStrouncers n. Plural of trouncer.
TROUNCER n. one who trounces.
TURNOVERSturnovers n. Plural of turnover.
TURNOVER n. a small pie made by folding over the crust.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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