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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing E, 2N, 2S and 2T

INSISTENTinsistent adj. (Obsolete) Standing or resting on something.
insistent adj. Urgent in dwelling upon anything; persistent in urging or maintaining.
insistent adj. Extorting attention or notice; coercively staring or prominent; vivid; intense.
INTENSESTintensest adj. Superlative form of intense: most intense.
INTENSE adj. existing in a high degree.
NATTINESSnattiness n. The quality of being natty.
NATTINESS n. the state of being natty.
NUTTINESSnuttiness n. The quality or degree of having a nutty flavor or texture.
nuttiness n. The quality or degree of having a nutty aspect; craziness or zaniness.
NUTTINESS n. the quality of being nutty.
SENTIENTSsentients n. Plural of sentient.
SENTIENT n. a person or thing capable of sensation.
SETENANTSsetenants n. Plural of setenant.
se-tenants n. Plural of se-tenant.
SETENANT n. (French) in philately, two or more stamps joined together in an unsevered block of which at least one differs in design and value from the others.
STANNATESstannates n. Plural of stannate.
STANNATE n. a salt of stannic acid.
STANNITESstannites n. Plural of stannite.
STANNITE n. an ore of tin.
SUSTINENTsustinent adj. (Biology, archaic) Serving to sustain; offering sustenance.
SUSTINENT adj. sustaining.
TINSTONEStinstones n. Plural of tinstone.
TINSTONE n. an ore of tin, cassiterite.
TINTINESStintiness n. The state or condition of being tinty.
TINTINESS n. the state of being tinted.
TUNGSTENStungstens n. Plural of tungsten.
TUNGSTEN n. a metallic element.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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