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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing E, 2N, R, S and 2T

INSTANTERinstanter adv. Immediately; instantly; without delay.
INSTANTER adj. without delay.
INTERNETSinternets n. Plural of internet.
internets n. (Humorous, with the) The Internet.
Internets n. Alternative letter-case form of internets.
INTERNISTinternist n. (Medicine) A physician who specialises in internal medicine.
INTERNIST n. a specialist in internal medicine.
INTRANETSintranets n. Plural of intranet.
INTRANET n. a restricted network of computers such as within a company.
NUTRIENTSnutrients n. Plural of nutrient.
NUTRIENT n. a nourishing substance.
STRINGENTstringent adj. Strict; binding strongly; making strict requirements; restrictive; rigid; severe.
STRINGENT adj. tight, binding, rigorous.
TONTINERStontiners n. Plural of tontiner.
TONTINER n. the receiver of an annuity.
TRANSEUNTtranseunt adj. (Philosophy, of a mental act) Emanant; producing an effect outside of the mind. (Compare immanent.)
transeunt adj. (Philosophy) Passing out or operating beyond itself; transitive; opposed to immanent.
TRANSEUNT adj. (Latin) (of a mental process) producing an effect outside the mind.
TRANSIENTtransient adj. Passing or disappearing with time; transitory.
transient adj. Remaining for only a brief time.
transient adj. (Physics) Decaying with time, especially exponentially.
TURNSTONEturnstone n. Either of two species of coastal wading bird, Arenaria interpres and Arenaria melanocephala, that breed…
TURNSTONE n. any of various species of limicoline birds, allied to the plovers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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