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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing E, M, 2O, R, S and U

COMPOSUREcomposure n. Calmness of mind or temperament.
composure n. (Obsolete) The act of composing.
composure n. (Obsolete) Something which is composed; a composition.
FOURSOMESfoursomes n. Plural of foursome.
FOURSOME n. a group of four.
HOUSEROOMhouseroom n. (Uncountable) Room or place in a house.
houseroom n. (Countable) A room dedicated for the use of a particular house at a boarding school.
HOUSEROOM n. room or place in a house; as, to give any one houseroom.
HUMORSOMEhumorsome adj. Alternative form of humoursome.
HUMORSOME adj. full of humor, also HUMOURSOME.
ISOMEROUSisomerous adj. (Botany) Having the same number of parts.
ISOMEROUS adj. having the same number of parts (esp. in floral whorls).
LYOMEROUSLYOMEROUS adj. relating to the Lyomeri, soft-bodied fishes.
METEOROUSmeteorous adj. (Archaic) Of the nature or appearance of a meteor.
METEOROUS adj. of the nature or appearance of a meteor.
MORACEOUSmoraceous adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling the mulberry plants in the family Moraceae.
MORACEOUS adj. relating to the mulberry genus.
MOUSEOVERmouseover n. (Computing) The event of an on-screen pointer being over an on-screen shape.
mouse-over n. Alternative spelling of mouseover.
mouse␣over v. (Computing) To move a computer mouse pointer over (an element of the display).
OUTERMOSToutermost adj. Superlative form of outer: most outer.
outermost n. That which is outermost; the surface; the outside.
OUTERMOST adj. farthest from the middle or interior, also OUTMOST.
OUTHOMERSouthomers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outhomer.
OUTHOMER v. to surpass in hitting home runs.
SUPERMOONsupermoon n. (Astrology, astronomy) A full moon or new moon, when the Earth–Moon distance is in the lowest tenth of its range.
Supermoon n. (Astrology, astronomy) Alternative form of supermoon.
SuperMoon n. (Astrology) Alternative form of supermoon.
SUPERMOTOsupermoto n. (Sports, uncountable) A hybrid of motocross and road racing.
supermoto n. (Countable) A supermotard.
SUPERMOTO n. a form of motorcycle racing over part tarmac, part dirt.
TREMOROUStremorous adj. In a tremoring manner.
TREMOROUS adj. given to tremors.
UNBOSOMERunbosomer n. One who unbosoms, or discloses.
UNBOSOMER n. one who unbosoms, or discloses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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