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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, M, 2N, O, R and T

ADORNMENTadornment n. A decoration; that which adorns.
adornment n. The act of decorating.
ADORNMENT n. the act of adorning.
CONTEMNERcontemner n. One who contemns, who displays contempt towards another.
CONTEMNER n. a person who contemns; a person who has been found guilty of contempt of court, also CONTEMNOR.
CONTEMNORcontemnor n. (Law) A party held in contempt of court.
CONTEMNOR n. a person who contemns; a person who has been found guilty of contempt of court, also CONTEMNER.
ENROLMENTenrolment n. Alternative form of enrollment.
ENROLMENT n. the act of enrolling, also ENROLLMENT.
INNERMOSTinnermost adj. Farthest inside or towards the center or middle.
innermost n. That which is innermost; the core.
INNERMOST adj. farthest in.
INTERMONTintermont adj. Between mountains; intermontane.
INTERMONT adj. situated between mountains, also INTERMONTANE, INTERMOUNTAIN.
MAGNETRONmagnetron n. (Physics) a device in which electrons are made to resonate in a specially shaped chamber and thus produce…
MAGNETRON n. a vacuum tube combined with a magnetic field to deflect electrons.
MENTIONERmentioner n. One who mentions.
MENTIONER n. one who mentions.
MENTORINGmentoring v. Present participle of mentor.
mentoring n. An arrangement by which one person mentors another.
MENTORING n. the act of serving as friend and tutor to.
NANOMETERnanometer n. US spelling of nanometre.
NANOMETER n. a billionth of a metre, also NANOMETRE.
NANOMETREnanometre n. An SI subunit of length equal to 10-9 metres. Symbol: nm.
NANOMETRE n. a billionth of a metre, also NANOMETER.
NONMARKETnonmarket adj. Not market-based; often specifically lacking the openness of a free market.
nonmarket n. That which is not a market.
NONMARKET adj. not part of the market.
NONMATUREnonmature adj. Not mature.
NONMATURE adj. not mature.
NONMETRICnonmetric adj. Not metric.
NONMETRIC adj. not metric.
ORNAMENTSornaments n. Plural of ornament.
ornaments v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ornament.
Ornaments prop.n. The forty-third sura (chapter) of the Qur’an.
PROMINENTprominent adj. Standing out, or projecting; jutting; protuberant.
prominent adj. Likely to attract attention from its size or position; conspicuous.
prominent adj. Eminent; distinguished above others.
REMONTANTremontant adj. (Botany, especially of cultivated roses) That flowers more than once in each season.
remontant n. (Botany) A plant that flowers more than once in each season.
REMONTANT adj. (French) flowering more than once per season.
SEMANTRONsemantron n. A percussion instrument used chiefly in Eastern Orthodox monasteries to summon the brethren to prayer…
SEMANTRON n. (Greek) a wooden or metal bar struck with a mallet, used instead of a bell in Orthodox churches.
STRONGMENstrongmen n. Plural of strongman.
strong␣men n. Plural of strong man.
STRONGMAN n. a person who performs feats of strength, in a circus etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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