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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing E, L, 2P, R and 2S

PAPERLESSpaperless adj. Without paper.
paperless adj. Relating to or involving the communication or storage of information electronically, rather than with paper.
paperless adj. (Of a person) Lacking official documentation or evidence of identity.
POPSTRELSpopstrels n. Plural of popstrel.
POPSTREL n. a young, attractive female pop star.
PROLAPSESprolapses n. Plural of prolapse.
prolapses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prolapse.
PROLAPSE v. to slip or fall out of place.
PROLEPSESprolepses n. Plural of prolepsis.
PROLEPSIS n. (Greek) a rhetorical device of weakening objections by anticipating them.
PROLEPSISprolepsis n. (Rhetoric) The assignment of something to a period of time that precedes it.
prolepsis n. (Logic) The anticipation of an objection to an argument.
prolepsis n. (Grammar, rhetoric) A construction that consists of placing an element in a syntactic unit before that…
SAPROPELSsapropels n. Plural of sapropel.
SAPROPEL n. (Greek) a slimy sediment laid down in water, largely organic in origin.
SCRAPPLESscrapples n. Plural of scrapple.
SCRAPPLE n. a mixture of ground meat and cornmeal.
SHLEPPERSshleppers n. Plural of shlepper.
SHLEPPER n. (Yiddish) an incompetent or nonentity, also SCHLEPPER.
STIPPLERSstipplers n. Plural of stippler.
STIPPLER n. one who stipples.
SUPERPLUSsuperplus n. (Obsolete) surplus.
SUPERPLUS n. (obsolete) a surplus.
SUPPLIERSsuppliers n. Plural of supplier.
SUPPLIER n. one that supplies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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