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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, L, O, P, R, T and U

AUTOREPLYautoreply n. Alternative spelling of auto-reply.
auto-reply n. (Email, computing, uncountable) A feature in e-mail software that sends automatic replies, used for…
auto-reply n. (Email, computing, countable) A message sent by this means.
CORPULENTcorpulent adj. Large in body; fat; overweight.
corpulent adj. (Obsolete) Physical, material, corporeal.
CORPULENT adj. fleshy.
GROUPLETSgrouplets n. Plural of grouplet.
GROUPLET n. a small group, a clique.
HOURPLATEhourplate n. The face of a clock, on which the hours are numbered.
HOURPLATE n. a timepiece dial.
OUTPLACERoutplacer n. (Business) A company that outplaces an employee.
OUTPLACER n. one who outplaces.
PECULATORpeculator n. A person who peculates; an embezzler.
PECULATOR n. one who peculates.
PETROLEUMpetroleum n. A flammable liquid ranging in color from clear to very dark brown and black, consisting mainly of hydrocarbons…
PETROLEUM n. a general term including both oil and natural gas.
PETROLEURpetroleur n. One who lights fires with petrol, especially (historical) a revolutionary who attacked public buildings…
PETROLEUR n. (French) a rioter who uses petroleum, as in the Paris uprising of 1871.
PLOUTEREDploutered v. Simple past tense and past participle of plouter.
PLOUTER v. (Scots) to dabble in liquid, also PLOTTER, PLOWTER.
POLLUTERSpolluters n. Plural of polluter.
POLLUTER n. one who pollutes.
POULTERERpoulterer n. A dealer in poultry.
POULTERER n. a dealer in dead fowls and game, also POULTER.
POULTRIESpoultries n. Plural of poultry.
POULTRY n. farmyard fowls collectively.
PROFLUENTprofluent adj. Flowing smoothly as if in a stream.
PROFLUENT adj. (Milton) flowing out or onwards.
SPORULATEsporulate v. (Biology, intransitive) To produce spores.
sporulate adj. (Botany) That produces spores.
SPORULATE v. to form (into) spores.
TURCOPOLEturcopole n. (Historical) A mounted archer locally recruited by the Christian states during the Crusades.
TURCOPOLE n. (Modern Greek) a light-armed soldier of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem.
TUROPHILEturophile n. A gourmet/connoisseur of cheese.
TUROPHILE n. a connoisseur of cheese.
UNDERPLOTunderplot n. A subplot; a plot that is not the main plot of a story.
underplot n. A secret scheme or trick.
UNDERPLOT n. a series of events in a play, proceeding collaterally with the main story, and subservient to it.
UPHOLSTERupholster v. (Transitive) To fit padding, stuffing, springs, webbing and fabric covering to (furniture).
upholster n. (Archaic) An upholsterer; a tradesman who finishes furniture.
UPHOLSTER v. to provide with stuffing, springs, covers, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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