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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, L, 2O, P and 2S

CESSPOOLScesspools n. Plural of cesspool.
CESSPOOL n. a covered well or pit for sewage, also CESSPIT, SESSPOOL.
LIPOSOMESliposomes n. Plural of liposome.
LIPOSOME n. a microscopic globule composed of lipids.
LOOPINESSloopiness n. The state or condition of being loopy; craziness.
LOOPINESS n. the state of being loopy.
PALEOSOLSpaleosols n. Plural of paleosol.
PALEOSOL n. a buried soil horizon of the geologic past, also PALAEOSOL.
PODSOLISEPODSOLISE v. to turn into podsol, also PODSOLIZE.
POLONISESPolonises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Polonise.
POLONISE v. to make Polish, also POLONIZE.
POLYPOSESpolyposes n. Plural of polyposis.
POLYPOSIS n. the presence or development of polyps.
POLYSOMESpolysomes n. Plural of polysome.
POLYSOME n. a cluster of protein particles.
POOLSIDESpoolsides n. Plural of poolside.
POOLSIDE n. the area at the side of a swimming pool.
POSTHOLESpostholes n. Plural of posthole.
postholes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of posthole.
POSTHOLE n. a hole dug to hold a fence post.
PROOFLESSproofless adj. Without proof.
PROOFLESS adj. wanting sufficient evidence to induce belief; not proved.
SESSPOOLSsesspools n. Plural of sesspool.
SESSPOOL n. a covered well or pit for sewage, also CESSPOOL.
SLIPNOOSEslip␣noose n. A noose made by tying a slip knot and often used to trap an animal, bird, or person by the feet.
SLIPNOOSE n. a noose made with a slipknot, that tightens when pulled.
SLOWPOKESslowpokes n. Plural of slowpoke.
slow␣pokes n. Plural of slow poke.
SLOWPOKE n. a slow individual.
SPLOOSHEDsplooshed v. Simple past tense and past participle of sploosh.
SPLOOSH v. to splash, also SPLASH, SPLISH, SPLOSH.
SPLOOSHESsplooshes n. Plural of sploosh.
splooshes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sploosh.
SPLOOSH v. to splash, also SPLASH, SPLISH, SPLOSH.
STEPSTOOLstepstool n. A stool with built-in steps for climbing onto it, used for reaching high objects.
step␣stool n. A stool of various designs with one or more steps; in some designs the steps may be folded away underneath…
STEPSTOOL n. a stool able to be used as a step.
SUPERLOOSsuperloos n. Plural of superloo.
SUPERLOO n. a self-cleaning public toilet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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