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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing E, L, N, R, 2S and U

BURLINESSburliness n. The characteristic of being burly.
BURLINESS n. the state of being burly.
CRUELNESScruelness n. The state of being cruel; cruelty.
CRUELNESS n. (obsolete) cruelty.
CURLINESScurliness n. The state of being curly.
CURLINESS n. the state of being curly.
INSULTERSinsulters n. Plural of insulter.
INSULTER n. one who insults.
LAUNDRESSlaundress n. Synonym of washerwoman.
laundress v. (Obsolete, historical) To act as a laundress.
LAUNDRESS n. a woman who does laundry.
LURIDNESSluridness n. The property of being lurid.
LURIDNESS n. the state of being lurid, shining with a red glow.
LUSTRINESlustrines n. Plural of lustrine.
LUSTRINE n. a glossy silk cloth, also LUSTRING, LUTESTRING.
PURSLANESpurslanes n. Plural of purslane.
PURSLANE n. a pot herb and salad herb, also PERSELINE, PURSLAIN.
RURALNESSruralness n. The quality of being rural.
RURALNESS n. the state of being rural.
SNUFFLERSsnufflers n. Plural of snuffler.
SNUFFLER n. a person who snuffles.
SURLINESSsurliness n. The property of being surly.
SURLINESS n. the state of being surly.
TRUNKLESStrunkless adj. Without a trunk.
TRUNKLESS adj. without a trunk.
TURNSOLESturnsoles n. Plural of turnsole.
TURNSOLE n. heliotrope; so named because its flowers are supposed to turn toward the sun.
UNSOLDERSunsolders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unsolder.
UNSOLDER v. to separate from being soldered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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