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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing E, L, N, O, S and 2T

ATTOLLENSATTOLLENS adj. (Latin) of a muscle, that raises, also ATTOLLENT.
ENTOBLASTentoblast n. Any of the embryonic blastomeres that develop into the endoderm.
ENTOBLAST n. the inner germ layer, the endoderm, also ENDOBLAST.
FRONTLETSfrontlets n. Plural of frontlet.
FRONTLET n. a forehead ornament worn as a phylacteric, defending against disease.
SILTSTONEsiltstone n. A sedimentary rock whose composition is intermediate in grain size between the coarser sandstone and…
SILTSTONE n. a rock formed of hardened silt.
SOLENETTEsolenette n. A small European sole (Solea minuta).
SOLENETTE n. a small European species of sole.
STOLONATEstolonate adj. Stoloniferous.
STOLONATE adj. having a stolon.
TELETHONStelethons n. Plural of telethon.
TELETHON n. an exceptionally long television programme to raise money for a charity or cause.
TELETRONSTELETRON n. a cathode-ray tube for synthesis of television images.
TENTPOLEStentpoles n. Plural of tentpole.
tent-poles n. Plural of tent-pole.
tent␣poles n. Plural of tent pole.
TETRONALSTETRONAL n. a hypnotic and sedative drug, rarely used because of its toxicity.
TOILINETStoilinets n. Plural of toilinet.
TOILINET n. a kind of woollen cloth, silk and cotton warp, also TOILINETTE.
TONALITEStonalites n. Plural of tonalite.
TONALITE n. a coarse rock.
TROTLINEStrotlines n. Plural of trotline.
TROTLINE n. a strong fishing line.
UNBOTTLESunbottles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unbottle.
UNBOTTLE v. to release from or as if from a bottle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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