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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing E, L, N, O, P, T and U

BLUEPOINTbluepoint n. (Marine biology) A small oyster, Crassostrea virginica, from the eastern United States seaboard.
bluepoint n. (Felinology) A colourpoint cat with blue markings.
blue␣point n. Alternative form of bluepoint.
CORPULENTcorpulent adj. Large in body; fat; overweight.
corpulent adj. (Obsolete) Physical, material, corporeal.
CORPULENT adj. fleshy.
EPULATIONepulation n. (Obsolete) A feast or banquet.
EPULATION n. feasting, indulging in fine food.
NONUPLETSnonuplets n. Plural of nonuplet.
NONUPLET n. a group of nine notes to be performed in the time of eight or six.
OPULENTLYopulently adv. In an opulent manner.
OPULENT adv. wealthy.
PLENTEOUSplenteous adj. In plenty; abundant.
plenteous adj. (Obsolete) Having plenty; abounding; rich.
PLENTEOUS adj. plentiful.
PLEUSTONSPLEUSTON n. organisms living in the thin surface layer of fresh water.
PROFLUENTprofluent adj. Flowing smoothly as if in a stream.
PROFLUENT adj. (Milton) flowing out or onwards.
PULMONATEpulmonate adj. (Anatomy) Having lungs or similar organs.
pulmonate adj. (Biology) Of, relating to, or belonging to the gastropod order Pulmonata (slugs and snails).
pulmonate n. A gastropod of the order Pulmonata.
PULPSTONEPULPSTONE n. a grindstone for pulping wood.
UNDERPLOTunderplot n. A subplot; a plot that is not the main plot of a story.
underplot n. A secret scheme or trick.
UNDERPLOT n. a series of events in a play, proceeding collaterally with the main story, and subservient to it.
UNPILOTEDunpiloted adj. Lacking a pilot.
UNPILOTED adj. not piloted.
UNPOTABLEunpotable adj. Not potable.
UNPOTABLE adj. not potable, undrinkable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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