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There are 13 nine-letter words containing E, L, N, 2O, S and U

COCOUNSELcocounsel n. (Law) joint counsel.
cocounsel v. To provide psychiatric counselling to each other.
COCOUNSEL n. a joint counsel.
CONSOLUTEconsolute adj. (Chemistry) Describing liquids that are totally miscible in all proportions.
CONSOLUTE adj. completely miscible.
COUNSELORcounselor n. A professional who counsels people, especially on personal problems.
counselor n. (Education) A school counselor, often in a specialty such as careers, education, or health.
counselor n. (Law) An attorney.
ENCOLOURSencolours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of encolour.
ENCOLOUR v. to colour or tinge.
FELONIOUSfelonious adj. Of, relating to, being, or having the quality of felony.
felonious adj. (Law) Done with intent to commit a crime.
FELONIOUS adj. like a felon, wicked.
LONGEVOUSlongevous adj. (Rare) Long-lasting, especially of life.
LONGEVOUS adj. long-lived, also LONGAEVOUS.
LONGHOUSElonghouse n. A long communal housing of the Iroquois and some other American Indians, the Malaysians, the Indonesians…
longhouse n. (Obsolete, euphemistic) An outhouse: an outbuilding used for urination and defecation.
long-house n. Alternative form of longhouse.
MONOFUELSmonofuels n. Plural of monofuel.
MONOFUEL n. a type of rocket propellant.
MONOPULSEmonopulse adj. Being a radar system that compares the received signal from a single radar pulse against itself in order…
MONOPULSE n. a type of radar system used in gun control.
ONEROUSLYonerously adv. In an onerous manner.
ONEROUS adv. burdensome.
SINOLOGUEsinologue n. A student of Chinese; one versed in the Chinese language, literature, and history.
SINOLOGUE n. one versed in Chinese culture, also SINOLOGIST.
UNLOOSENSunloosens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unloosen.
UNLOOSEN v. to set free, also UNLOOSE.
UNSPOOLEDunspooled v. Simple past tense and past participle of unspool.
unspooled adj. Not spooled.
UNSPOOL v. to unwind from a small cylinder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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