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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing E, L, M, 2O and 2S

BLOOMLESSbloomless adj. Without blooms.
BLOOMLESS adj. destitute of bloom.
BLOSSOMEDblossomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of blossom.
BLOSSOM v. to flourish and prosper.
COLOSSEUMcolosseum n. Alternative spelling of coliseum.
Colosseum prop.n. The largest stadium in the Roman empire, located near the center of Rome.
COLOSSEUM n. a large building or stadium used as a place of entertainment, also COLISEUM.
EMBLOSSOMemblossom v. (Transitive, poetic) To cover with blossoms.
EMBLOSSOM v. to cover or adorn with blossoms.
GLOOMLESSgloomless adj. (Rare) Free from gloom; bright, radiant.
GLOOMLESS adj. without gloom.
HOMOLYSEShomolyses n. Plural of homolysis.
homolyses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of homolyse.
HOMOLYSIS n. decomposition into two uncharged atoms or radicals.
LIPOSOMESliposomes n. Plural of liposome.
LIPOSOME n. a microscopic globule composed of lipids.
LONESOMESlonesomes n. Plural of lonesome.
LONESOME n. on one's own.
LYSOSOMESlysosomes n. Plural of lysosome.
LYSOSOME n. a saclike part of a cell.
MOTORLESSmotorless adj. Without a motor (machine or device).
MOTORLESS adj. without a motor.
POLYSOMESpolysomes n. Plural of polysome.
POLYSOME n. a cluster of protein particles.
REBLOSSOMreblossom v. (Intransitive) To blossom again or anew.
REBLOSSOM v. to blossom again.
SALEROOMSsalerooms n. Plural of saleroom.
SALEROOM n. a room where goods for sale, esp. at auction, are displayed, also SALESROOM.
SALESROOMsalesroom n. (Business) The room where sales are made.
SALESROOM n. a room where goods for sale, esp. at auction, are displayed, also SALEROOM.
SIMOLEONSsimoleons n. (Slang) plural of simoleon.
simoleons n. (Slang) Money.
Simoleons n. Plural of Simoleon.
SLOOMIESTSLOOMY adj. sluggish, spiritless.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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