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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, I, N, R, 2S and V

AVERSIONSaversions n. Plural of aversion.
AVERSION n. a feeling of repugnance.
CURVINESScurviness n. The state or condition of being curvy.
CURVINESS n. the state of being curved.
EVERSIONSeversions n. Plural of eversion.
e-versions n. Plural of e-version.
EVERSION n. the act of turning inside out or outwards.
INVERNESSInverness prop.n. A city in and the administrative centre of Highland council area, Scotland.
Inverness prop.n. A rural locality in the Shire of Livingstone, Queensland, Australia.
Inverness prop.n. A rural community in Inverness County, Nova Scotia, Canada.
INVESTORSinvestors n. Plural of investor.
INVESTOR n. one that invests.
NERVINESSnerviness n. The characteristic of being nervy.
NERVINESS n. the state of being nervy.
OVERSPINSoverspins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overspin.
OVERSPIN n. a forward spin imparted to a ball.
REINVESTSreinvests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reinvest.
REINVEST v. to invest again.
REVISIONSrevisions n. Plural of revision.
revisions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of revision.
REVISION n. a revised version, also REVISAL.
SANDIVERSSANDIVER n. scum formed on molten glass.
SIRVENTESsirventes n. Plural of sirvente.
SIRVENTE n. (French) a (usually satirical) poem or lay recited by a medieval troubadour.
SNIVELERSsnivelers n. Plural of sniveler.
SNIVELER n. one who snivels, also SNIVELLER.
SOUVENIRSsouvenirs n. Plural of souvenir.
souvenirs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of souvenir.
SOUVENIR v. to provide a souvenir of.
SWERVINGSswervings n. Plural of swerving.
SWERVING n. the act of swerving.
UNIVERSESuniverses n. Plural of universe.
UNIVERSE n. the totality of all existing things.
VANISHERSvanishers n. Plural of vanisher.
VANISHER n. one who vanishes.
VARNISHESvarnishes n. Plural of varnish.
VARNISH v. to give a glossy appearance to.
VISIONERSvisioners n. Plural of visioner.
VISIONER n. a person who sees visions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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