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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, I, 2N, O, T and U

BUTEONINEbuteonine n. (Ornithology) Any bird in the accipitrid subfamily Buteoninae.
BUTEONINE adj. like a buzzard.
BUTEONINE n. a bird of the buzzard family.
CENTURIONcenturion n. (Historical) An officer of the ancient Roman army, in command of a century of soldiers.
centurion n. (Cricket) A player who scores a century.
centurion n. (US) A pilot in the United States Navy who has performed 100 night landings on an aircraft carrier.
CONTINUEDcontinued adj. (Dated) Prolonged; unstopped.
continued adj. Uninterrupted.
continued v. Simple past tense and past participle of continue.
CONTINUERcontinuer n. One who, or that which, continues.
continuer n. (Linguistics) A word or phrase interjected by the listener to indicate that he/she is listening to the speaker.
CONTINUER n. one who continues.
CONTINUEScontinues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of continue.
continues n. Plural of continue.
CONTINUE v. to go on with.
COUNTLINEcountline n. A consumer product (especially confectionery) that is supplied to retailers in packages of multiple…
COUNTLINE n. a confectionery bar made as an individual item, e.g. a filled chocolate bar, rather than as moulded chocolate.
EMUNCTIONemunction n. (Formal) The act of wiping or blowing one’s nose.
EMUNCTION n. the act of removing obstructions from or cleaning bodily passages.
INFORTUNEinfortune n. (Obsolete) misfortune.
infortune v. To afflict.
infortune v. (Astrology, of a planet) To have a malign influence.
NEURATIONneuration n. (Biology) The arrangement or distribution of veins (nerves), as in the leaves of a plant or the wings of an insect.
NEURATION n. the arrangement of nerves and veins, esp. those of leaves, also NERVATION, NERVATURE.
NEUSTONICneustonic adj. Relating to neuston.
NEUSTONIC adj. of or like neuston, minute organisms floating or swimming on water's surface, also NEUSTIC.
NEUTRINOSneutrinos n. Plural of neutrino.
NEUTRINO n. an uncharged subatomic particle with zero mass when at rest.
NEUTRONICneutronic adj. (Physics) Relating to neutrons or to neutronics.
NEUTRONIC adj. of or like a neutron.
NONSUITEDnonsuited v. Simple past tense and past participle of nonsuit.
NONSUIT v. to dismiss the lawsuit of.
NOUGATINEnougatine n. Brown nougat, made from caramelized sugar.
nougatine n. Dutch dessert, made from two chocolate covered meringue cookies with cream in the middle and cream on…
NOUGATINE n. nougat covered with chocolate.
OUTSINNEDoutsinned v. Simple past tense and past participle of outsin.
OUTSIN v. to surpass in sinning.
TENDINOUStendinous adj. (Anatomy) Of, pertaining to, or resembling a tendon or sinew.
TENDINOUS adj. of or like a tendon.
UNIPOTENTunipotent adj. (Biology) Having the capacity to develop into only one type of cell or tissue.
unipotent adj. (Mathematics) Having a single idempotent element.
UNIPOTENT adj. able to form only one part of a cell.
UNJOINTEDunjointed adj. Not jointed.
UNJOINT v. to separate at a juncture.
UNNOTICEDunnoticed adj. Not noticed.
un-noticed adj. Alternative form of unnoticed.
un-noticed v. Simple past tense and past participle of un-notice.
UNPOINTEDunpointed adj. Not pointed (formed into a point).
unpointed adj. Not pointed (finished by filling with cement or mortar).
unpointed adj. (Typography) Not marked with a point.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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