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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing E, I, 2N, O, P and R

ENDORPHINendorphin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a group of peptide hormones found in the mammalian brain that act as neurotransmitters…
ENDORPHIN n. any of a group of peptides that occur in the brain and bind to the same receptors as morphine, thereby inhibiting pain.
ENTROPIONentropion n. (Pathology) An inversion (turning inward) of the margin of the eyelid.
ENTROPION n. (Greek) the inversion or turning in of the border of the eyelids, also ENTROPIUM.
INTERPONEinterpone v. To interpose; to insert or place between.
INTERPONE v. to interpose; to insert or place between.
NONPAREILnonpareil adj. (Frequently postpositive) Unequalled, unrivalled; unique.
nonpareil n. (Countable) A person or thing that has no equal; a paragon.
nonpareil n. (Countable, biology).
PENNIFORMpenniform adj. Feather-shaped.
penniform n. (Archaeology) A symbol that is shaped like a feather.
PENNIFORM adj. feather-shaped.
PENSIONERpensioner n. Someone who lives on a pension, especially the retirement or old age pension.
pensioner n. (By extension) Someone who is at the age at which one typically receives a pension; an elderly person.
pensioner n. (Obsolete, UK, Cambridge University) A student who is not dependent on any foundation for support, but…
PERNIONESperniones n. Plural of pernio.
PERNIO n. a chilblain.
PINKERTONPinkerton prop.n. A habitational surname from Old English.
Pinkerton n. (Dated, countable) An operative employed by the Pinkerton National Detective Agency founded by Allan…
PINKERTON n. a private detective.
PONDERINGpondering v. Present participle of ponder.
pondering n. An act of rumination or cogitation.
PONDER v. to consider deeply.
PONTONIERpontonier n. Alternative form of pontooner.
PONTONIER n. a builder of pontoon bridges, also PONTONEER, PONTONNIER, PONTOONER.
PRENOMINAprenomina n. Plural of prenomen.
PRENOMEN n. (Latin) the first name of an ancient Roman, also PRAENOMEN.
PRENOTIONprenotion n. Foreknowledge.
PRENOTION n. a notion which precedes something else in time.
PREPONINGpreponing v. Present participle of prepone.
PREPONE v. to bring forward.
PREUNIONSPREUNION n. a union beforehand.
PROMINENTprominent adj. Standing out, or projecting; jutting; protuberant.
prominent adj. Likely to attract attention from its size or position; conspicuous.
prominent adj. Eminent; distinguished above others.
PYRONINESpyronines n. Plural of pyronine.
PYRONINE n. (tradename) any of several xanthene dyes, also PYRONIN.
REOPENINGreopening n. The act of opening something again.
reopening v. Present participle of reopen.
re-opening n. Alternative form of reopening.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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