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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, I, L, M, O, T and U

COLUMBITEcolumbite n. (Mineralogy) A black mineral that is a mixed iron and manganese niobate and tantalate, and is the main…
COLUMBITE n. a mineral, niobate and tantalate of iron and manganese, aka niobite.
EMULATIONemulation n. The endeavor or desire to equal or excel someone else in qualities or actions.
emulation n. (Obsolete) Jealous rivalry; envy; envious contention.
emulation n. (Computing) Execution of a program or other software designed for a different system, by simulating…
GUILLEMOTguillemot n. Any seabird belonging to the genera Uria and Cepphus of the auk family Alcidae. They have black and…
GUILLEMOT n. (French) a northern black-and-white sea bird.
HOMEBUILThomebuilt adj. Constructed at home, rather than being obtained from a manufacturer etc.
HOMEBUILT adj. built at home.
MONTICULEmonticule n. Alternative form of monticle.
MONTICULE n. (French) a secondary volcanic cone.
MOULDIESTmouldiest adj. Superlative form of mouldy: most mouldy.
MOULDY adj. covered with mould.
MOULINETSmoulinets n. Plural of moulinet.
MOULINET n. (French) a machine for bending the crossbow.
MOUSETAILmousetail n. Any plant of the genus Ivesia, in the rose family.
mousetail n. Any plant of the genus Myosurus, in the buttercup family.
MOUSETAIL n. any of various temperate ranunculaceous plants of the genus Myosurus.
MOUTHLIKEmouthlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a mouth.
MOUTHLIKE adj. like a mouth.
MULTICOREmulticore adj. (Of an electric cable) Having two or more cores.
multicore adj. (Computer hardware, of a processor) Combining two or more independent cores into a single package composed…
MULTICORE adj. having, consisting of, or involving multiple cores.
MULTILOBEmultilobe adj. Having more than one lobe.
multilobe n. (Geometry) A kind of closed curve.
MULTILOBE adj. having more than one lobe.
MULTIMODEmultimode adj. Having, or employing multiple modes.
multimode n. A simultaneous superposition of modes.
MULTIMODE n. an SLR camera or its light meter with more than one way of setting the exposure.
MULTIPOLEmultipole n. (Physics) Any of a several forms of static or oscillating distributions of charge or magnetization.
MULTIPOLE adj. having many poles.
MULTIPOLE n. something with many poles.
MULTIROLEmultirole adj. Pertaining to, or serving in, many roles.
MULTIROLE adj. having a number of roles.
MULTITONEmultitone adj. Of or pertaining to more than one tone.
multitone n. A document or image that is printed using several different inks.
MULTITONE adj. having many tones.
OUTSMILEDoutsmiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outsmile.
OUTSMILE v. to surpass in smiling.
OUTSMILESoutsmiles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outsmile.
OUTSMILE v. to surpass in smiling.
TIMEOUSLYtimeously adv. (Scotland and South Africa) In a timely manner.
TIMEOUS adv. timely; seasonable, also TIMOUS.
TUMORLIKEtumorlike adj. Resembling a tumor.
TUMORLIKE adj. like a tumor.
TURMOILEDturmoiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of turmoil.
TURMOIL v. to cause a commotion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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