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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, I, L, M, N, T and U

ALUMINATEaluminate n. (Chemistry) A compound, containing aluminium and oxygen with more electropositive elements, that is…
ALUMINATE n. a salt whose acid is aluminum hydroxide.
CULMINATEculminate v. (Intransitive, astronomy) Of a heavenly body, to be at the highest point, reach its greatest altitude.
culminate v. (Intransitive) To reach the (physical or figurative) summit, highest point, peak etc.
culminate v. (Intransitive, figuratively) To reach a climax; to come to a decisive point, especially an end or conclusion.
DENTALIUMdentalium n. Any of various tooth shells of the genus Dentalium.
Dentalium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Dentaliidae – the dentalia, certain tusk shells.
DENTALIUM n. (Latin) any mollusc or shell of the genus Dentalium, of scaphopod molluscs whose shells resemble an elephant's tusk.
EMULATINGemulating v. Present participle of emulate.
EMULATE v. to strive to equal or excel; to imitate, also AEMULE, EMULE.
EMULATIONemulation n. The endeavor or desire to equal or excel someone else in qualities or actions.
emulation n. (Obsolete) Jealous rivalry; envy; envious contention.
emulation n. (Computing) Execution of a program or other software designed for a different system, by simulating…
FULMINATEfulminate v. (Intransitive, figuratively) To make a verbal attack.
fulminate v. (Transitive, figuratively) To issue as a denunciation.
fulminate v. (Intransitive) To thunder or make a loud noise.
GLUTAMINEglutamine n. (Biochemistry) A nonessential amino acid C5H10N2O3 found in most animal and plant proteins.
GLUTAMINE n. a neutral amino acid found in proteins.
LUNCHTIMElunchtime n. The time or hour at or around which lunch is normally eaten.
lunchtime n. A break in work or school to eat lunch.
lunch-time n. The time of day at which lunch is eaten.
MONTICULEmonticule n. Alternative form of monticle.
MONTICULE n. (French) a secondary volcanic cone.
MOULINETSmoulinets n. Plural of moulinet.
MOULINET n. (French) a machine for bending the crossbow.
MULTIGENEmultigene adj. (Genetics) Involving multiple genes.
multigene n. Multigene family.
MULTIGENE n. each of a group of genes with closely related nucleotide sequences, apparently evolved from a common ancestor sequence and often having similar or related functions.
MULTILANEmultilane adj. (Of a road or of vehicular traffic) Having more than one lane of traffic traveling in at least one direction.
MULTILANE adj. having several lanes.
MULTILANE n. a highway having several lanes.
MULTILINEmultiline adj. Consisting of multiple lines.
multiline n. (Computer graphics) A polyline.
MULTILINE n. a variety of crop with several lines, each having different genes to improve disease resistance.
MULTITONEmultitone adj. Of or pertaining to more than one tone.
multitone n. A document or image that is printed using several different inks.
MULTITONE adj. having many tones.
MUSLINETSmuslinets n. Plural of muslinet.
MUSLINET n. a coarse kind of muslin.
MUSTELINEmusteline adj. (Zoology) Like or relating to the family Mustelidae, or the weasels and martens.
musteline n. (Zoology) Any member of the family Mustelidae.
MUSTELINE n. a weasel or similar fur-bearing mammal such as badger and otter.
NUMMULITEnummulite n. A protozoan from the Tertiary period, known only as fossils.
NUMMULITE n. a fossil of the genus Nummulites and allied genera.
PENULTIMApenultima n. The next to last syllable in a word.
PENULTIMA n. (Latin) the last but one syllable, also PENULT.
TUMPLINEStumplines n. Plural of tumpline.
tump␣lines n. Plural of tump line.
TUMPLINE n. a strap for supporting a load on the back.
UNLIMITEDunlimited adj. Limitless or without bounds; unrestricted.
UNLIMITED adj. not limited.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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