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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing E, I, L, M, 2N and T

ALIGNMENTalignment n. An arrangement of items in a line.
alignment n. The process of adjusting a mechanism such that its parts are aligned; the condition of having its parts so adjusted.
alignment n. An alliance of factions.
ALINEMENTalinement n. Alternative spelling of alignment.
ALINEMENT n. the action of alining, also ALIGNMENT.
ELIMINANTeliminant n. (Mathematics) A resultant.
eliminant n. (Medicine) A drug promoting excretion or the removal of waste.
ELIMINANT n. an agent causing elimination of waste or abnormal matter.
ELOINMENTeloinment n. Alternative form of eloignment.
ELOINMENT n. the act of eloining, conveying to a distance.
EMINENTLYeminently adv. In an eminent or prominent manner.
eminently adv. To a great degree; notably; highly.
EMINENT adv. of high station or rank.
INCLEMENTinclement adj. Stormy, of rough weather.
inclement adj. (Obsolete) Merciless, unrelenting.
inclement adj. (Archaic) Unmercifully severe in temper or action.
LAMENTINGlamenting v. Present participle of lament.
lamenting n. Lamentation.
LAMENTING adj. expressing sorrow or regret.
LINEAMENTlineament n. Any distinctive shape or line, etc.
lineament n. A distinctive feature that characterizes something, especially the parts of the face of an individual.
LINEAMENT n. a distinctive feature or characteristic.
LINIMENTSliniments n. Plural of liniment.
LINIMENT n. a liquid preparation for rubbing into the skin to relieve pain or stiffness of a joint.
MELATONINmelatonin n. A hormone, related to serotonin, that is secreted by the pineal gland, and stimulates colour change…
melatonin n. Any material similar in its chemistry and effect to the natural hormone.
MELATONIN n. a hormone secreted by the pineal gland during the hours of darkness.
NONMOTILEnonmotile adj. Not motile.
NONMOTILE adj. not motile.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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