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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, I, 2L, O, P and T

APOSTILLEapostille n. A special sign established in 1961 for certifying foreign documents.
apostille v. To authenticate an official document in accordance with the Apostille Convention.
APOSTILLE n. (French) a marginal note, also APOSTIL.
HELIPILOThelipilot n. A helicopter pilot.
HELIPILOT n. the pilot of a helicopter.
MULTIPOLEmultipole n. (Physics) Any of a several forms of static or oscillating distributions of charge or magnetization.
MULTIPOLE adj. having many poles.
MULTIPOLE n. something with many poles.
PALEOLITHpaleolith n. A relic from the Paleolithic era.
PALEOLITH n. a Stone Age artifact, also PALAEOLITH.
PAPILLOTEpapillote n. (Cooking) A small piece of aluminum foil or parchment paper, wrapped around food during cooking.
papillote n. (Hair styling, often in the plural) A small piece of paper used to roll up hair to make it curl; a curly lock.
PAPILLOTE n. (French) a paper frill decorating the end of a cutlet or other bone.
PELLITORYpellitory n. Pellitory of the wall (Parietaria officinalis).
pellitory n. Any plant of the genus Parietaria.
pellitory n. Achillea ptarmica (European pellitory, bastard pellitory, wild pellitory, sneezewort.
PETIOLULEpetiolule n. (Botany) The petiole of a pinna or pinnule.
petiolule n. (Botany) A small or partial petiole.
PETIOLULE n. a small petiole, or the petiole of a leaflet.
PILOTLESSpilotless adj. Not having a pilot.
PILOTLESS adj. without a pilot.
PISTOLLEDpistolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of pistol.
PISTOL v. to shoot with a small firearm.
PLOTLINESplotlines n. Plural of plotline.
plot␣lines n. Plural of plot line.
PLOTLINE n. the main story of a literary work.
POINTELLEpointelle n. A type of knit fabric that contains a pattern of open spaces.
POINTELLE n. (French) an openwork design, as in knitted fabric.
POINTILLEpointillé n. A style of finishing consisting of dotted lines and curves on the covers of a book.
POINTILLE n. a fine point or subtle distinction.
POLLINATEpollinate v. To apply pollen to (a stigma).
pollinate adj. (Zoology) Pollinose.
POLLINATE v. to fertilise with pollen, also POLLENATE.
POLLUCITEpollucite n. (Mineralogy) A colorless transparent mineral of the zeolite family consisting of hydrous cesium aluminum…
POLLUCITE n. a colourless rare mineral, hydrated caesium aluminium silicate.
POLLUTIVEpollutive adj. That causes environmental pollution; polluting.
POLLUTIVE adj. relating to pollution.
POPLITEALpopliteal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the popliteus (the area behind the knee).
POPLITEAL adj. of or relating to the back of the knee, also POPLITIC.
POSTILLEDpostilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of postil.
POSTIL v. to gloss.
POSTILLERpostiller n. (Archaic) A writer of notes in the margin of a book.
postiller n. (Archaic) A preacher.
POSTILLER n. one who postils, provides glosses.
POWELLITEpowellite n. (Mineralogy) A tetragonal-dipyramidal mineral containing calcium, molybdenum, and oxygen.
Powellite n. A supporter of Powellism.
POWELLITE n. calcium molybdate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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