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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, 2I, R, 2S and U

CRUISIESTcruisiest adj. Superlative form of cruisy: most cruisy.
CRUISY adj. frequented by homosexuals looking for partners, also CRUISEY.
DISGUISERdisguiser n. A person or thing that disguises.
disguiser n. (Archaic, historical) A person who wears a disguise; an actor in a masque or masquerade; a masker.
DISGUISER n. one who disguises.
DISINURESdisinures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disinure.
DISINURE v. to render unfamiliar.
FUSILIERSfusiliers n. Plural of fusilier.
Fusiliers prop.n. Plural of Fusilier.
FUSILIER n. a soldier armed with a fusil, also FUSILEER.
HUISSIERShuissiers n. Plural of huissier.
HUISSIER n. (French) a doorkeeper.
INCISURESincisures n. Plural of incisure.
INCISURE n. a cut or incision.
PLURISIESplurisies n. Plural of plurisie.
PLURISIE n. (Shakespeare) superabundance.
REISSUINGreissuing v. Present participle of reissue.
reissuing n. The act of something being reissued; a new publication of something.
REISSUE v. to issue again.
RICINUSESricinuses n. Plural of ricinus.
RICINUS n. (Latin) a genus of plants of the Spurge family, containing one species, the castor-oil plant.
RUSSIFIEDRussified v. Simple past tense and past participle of Russify.
RUSSIFY v. to make Russian.
RUSSIFIESRussifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Russify.
RUSSIFY v. to make Russian.
RUSTICISErusticise v. Alternative form of rusticize.
RUSTICISE v. to make rustic, also RUSTICIZE.
SCIURINESsciurines n. Plural of sciurine.
SCIURINE n. a member of the squirrel family, also SCIURID, SCIUROID.
SIGNIEURSsignieurs n. Plural of signieur.
SIGNIEUR n. (Shakespeare) a lord, esp. of manor, also SEIGNEUR, SEIGNIOR.
SIRUPIESTSIRUPY adj. like sirup.
SQUISHIERsquishier adj. Comparative form of squishy: more squishy.
SQUISHY adj. squashy.
UNITISERSUNITISER n. one who unitises, also UNITIZER.
UTILISERSutilisers n. Plural of utiliser.
UTILISER n. one who utilises, also UTILIZER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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