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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing E, 2I, N, O, R and V

DIVERSIONdiversion n. (Military) A tactic used to draw attention away from the real threat or action.
diversion n. A hobby; an activity that distracts the mind.
diversion n. The act of diverting.
INVERSIONinversion n. The action of inverting.
inversion n. The act of being in an inverted state; being upside down, inside out, or in a reverse sequence.
inversion n. (Music) The reversal of an interval; the move of one pitch in an interval up or down an octave.
NONVIRILEnonvirile adj. Not virile.
nonvirile adj. (Grammar) Pertaining to a grammatical gender used in some Slavic languages for plurals of masculine…
NONVIRILE adj. not virile.
PREVISIONprevision n. Advance knowledge; foresight.
prevision n. A prediction.
prevision v. To predict or envision the future.
REVISIONSrevisions n. Plural of revision.
revisions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of revision.
REVISION n. a revised version, also REVISAL.
REVOICINGrevoicing v. Present participle of revoice.
revoicing n. An act or instance of something being revoiced.
REVOICE v. to refurnish with a voice; to refit, as an organ pipe, so as to restore its tone.
VERMILIONvermilion n. A vivid red synthetic pigment made of mercury sulfide, cinnabar.
vermilion n. A bright orange-red colour.
vermilion n. A type of red dye worn in the parting of the hair by married Hindu women.
VICTORINEvictorine n. (Dated) A woman’s fur tippet, fastened at the neck.
VICTORINE n. (French) a woman's fur tippet.
VIREONINEvireonine adj. Relating to, or characteristic of the vireo.
VIREONINE n. a bird of the vireo family.
VISIONERSvisioners n. Plural of visioner.
VISIONER n. a person who sees visions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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