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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing E, 2I, 2N, R and U

ENQUIRINGenquiring v. Present participle of enquire.
enquiring n. An instance of making an enquiry; an asking.
enquiring adj. Curious, inquisitive or investigative.
HIRUNDINEhirundine adj. Relating to a swallow (the bird).
hirundine n. A member of the swallow family.
HIRUNDINE adj. of or pertaining to swallows.
INQUERINGinquering v. Present participle of inquere.
INQUERE v. (Spenser) to ask about, inquire.
INTERUNITinterunit adj. Between units.
INTERUNIT adj. between units.
REUNITINGreuniting v. Present participle of reunite.
reuniting n. An act of reunion.
REUNITE v. to come together again.
SQUINNIERSQUINNY adj. squinting.
TRIENNIUMtriennium n. A period of three years.
TRIENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of three years.
UNILINEARunilinear adj. Made up of one single line.
UNILINEAR adj. developing in or involving a series of stages.
UNIONISERunioniser n. Alternative form of unionizer.
UNIONISER n. one who unionises, also UNIONIZER.
UNIONIZERunionizer n. One who unionizes.
UNIONIZER n. one who unionizes, also UNIONISER.
UNNOISIERUNNOISY adj. not noisy.
UNREININGunreining v. Present participle of unrein.
UNREIN v. to give rein to.
URANINITEuraninite n. (Mineralogy) Any of several brownish-black forms of uranium dioxide, UO2, (especially pitchblende) that…
URANINITE n. uranium dioxide, the major ore of uranium, found most frequently in botryoidal form as pitchblende.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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