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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing E, 2I, 2L, R and S

DISTILLERdistiller n. A person who distills, especially alcoholic spirits or hard liquor by a process of distillation; a person…
distiller n. A device or apparatus that distills, a condenser; a still.
distiller n. A company whose business is distilling, especially one that manufactures alcoholic spirits or liquor.
FILLISTERfillister n. (Architecture) A rabbet/rebate for holding a sash window.
fillister n. A plane for making a rabbet.
FILLISTER n. a rabbet plane used in making window sashes, also FILISTER, FILLESTER.
FRILLIESTfrilliest adj. Superlative form of frilly: most frilly.
FRILLY adj. having frills.
GRISAILLEgrisaille n. (Art) In painting, a method of working which employs only varying values of gray to create form. Often…
grisaille n. A stained-glass window in this style.
GRISAILLE n. (French) a painting in tones of a single color, esp. gray, to represent objects in relief.
INSTILLERinstiller n. One who instills.
INSTILLER n. one who instils.
LIPLINERSlipliners n. Plural of lipliner.
lip␣liners n. Plural of lip liner.
LIPLINER n. a cosmetic used to outline the lips.
LISTERIALlisterial adj. Of or pertaining to listerias, or to the genus Listeria.
LISTERIAL adj. relating to listeria.
MILLIARESmilliares n. Plural of milliare.
MILLIARE n. a unit of area.
MILLINERSmilliners n. Plural of milliner.
Milliners prop.n. Plural of Milliner.
milliner's n. A shop that sells millinery.
MILLIREMSmillirems n. Plural of millirem.
MILLIREM n. a quantity of ionizing radiation, one thousandth of a rem.
PILLORIESpillories n. Plural of pillory.
pillories v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pillory.
PILLORY v. to hold up to public ridicule.
PILLORISEpillorise v. Alternative form of pillorize.
PILLORISE v. to pillory, also PILLORIZE.
RAMILLIESRAMILLIE n. a wig with a long plait at the back, fashionable in the 18th century, also RAMILIE.
REDISTILLredistill v. (Transitive) To distill again, especially in order to purify.
REDISTILL v. to distill again, also REDISTIL.
SHRILLIERSHRILLY adj. high-pitched or piercing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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