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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing E, H, N, O, R and 2T

ANORTHITEanorthite n. (Mineralogy) A variety of plagioclase feldspar, the calcium endmember of that series.
ANORTHITE n. a plagioclase feldspar, calcium aluminium silicate.
HOTTERINGhottering v. Present participle of hotter.
HOTTER v. to vibrate, to tremble.
NORTHEASTnortheast n. The intercardinal compass point halfway between north and east; specifically at a bearing of 45°.
northeast adj. Of, in or pertaining to the northeast; northeastern.
northeast adj. Situated toward or in the direction of the northeast; northeastward; northeasterly.
NORTHWESTnorthwest n. The intercardinal compass point halfway between west and north; specifically at a bearing of 315°.
northwest adj. Of, in or pertaining to the northwest; northwestern.
northwest adj. Situated toward or in the direction of the northwest; northwestward; northwesterly.
ORTHOTONEorthotone adj. (Grammar) Retaining the accent; not enclitic; said of certain indefinite pronouns and adverbs when used…
ORTHOTONE adj. taking an accent in certain positions but not in others, also ORTHOTONIC.
ORTHOTONE n. an orthotone word.
POTHUNTERpothunter n. A person who hunts animals for food (for the pot) rather than as sport.
pothunter n. (Sports, by extension) A person who competes solely to win prizes.
pothunter n. (Archaeology) A person who seeks artifacts for their personal collection or to sell without regard to…
THEREINTOthereinto adv. (Archaic) Into that place, state etc.
THEREINTO adv. into that or it.
THEREUNTOthereunto adv. (Archaic) thereto.
THEREUNTO adv. unto that or this; thereto; besides.
THORNIESTthorniest adj. Superlative form of thorny: most thorny.
THORNY adj. full of thorns.
THORNTREEthorn-tree n. Alternative form of thorn tree.
thorn␣tree n. A common name for any tree which has leaves like thorns, especially the acacia.
THORNTREE n. any tree bearing thorns.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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