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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing E, H, N, O, 2R and T

ABHORRENTabhorrent adj. (Archaic) Inconsistent with, or far removed from, something; strongly opposed.
abhorrent adj. Contrary to something; discordant.
abhorrent adj. Abhorring; detesting; having or showing abhorrence; loathing.
DETHRONERdethroner n. One who dethrones.
DETHRONER n. one who dethrones.
EARTHBORNearthborn adj. Born or produced on the planet Earth.
EARTHBORN adj. born from or on the earth.
ERYTHRONSerythrons n. Plural of erythron.
ERYTHRON n. a bodily organ consisting of the red blood cells.
FIRETHORNfirethorn n. A plant of the genus Pyracantha; the pyracantha.
FIRETHORN n. a flowering shrub, aka pyracantha.
INHERITORinheritor n. Someone who inherits something; an heir.
inheritor n. (Computing, programming) A class, etc. that derives from another code element through inheritance.
INHERITOR n. one who inherits.
NORTHEREDnorthered v. Simple past tense and past participle of norther.
NORTHER v. to veer north.
NORTHERLYnortherly n. A wind blowing from the north.
northerly adj. Facing the north; directed towards the north.
northerly adj. Located in a northern region.
NORTHERNSnortherns n. Plural of northern.
Northerns prop.n. Plural of Northern.
Northerns n. Plural of Northern.
SHORTENERshortener n. One who, or that which, shortens.
SHORTENER n. someone or something that shortens.
THORNTREEthorn-tree n. Alternative form of thorn tree.
thorn␣tree n. A common name for any tree which has leaves like thorns, especially the acacia.
THORNTREE n. any tree bearing thorns.
THRONNERSTHRONNER n. (dialect) a person good at doing odd jobs.
TRIHEDRONtrihedron n. (Mathematics) A geometric figure composed of three planes meeting at a single vertex.
TRIHEDRON n. a solid figure with three plane surfaces meeting at a point.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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