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There are 15 nine-letter words containing E, H, N, 2O, P and R

AEROPHONEaerophone n. Any musical instrument which produces sound primarily by causing a body of air to vibrate, without the…
aerophone n. (Dated) A form of combined speaking trumpet and ear trumpet.
aerophone n. (Dated) An instrument for greatly intensifying speech, consisting of a phonograph diaphragm arranged…
ENDOMORPHendomorph n. A mineral, especially a crystal, enclosed within another.
endomorph n. A person of the endomorphic physical type, characterised by big bones, round face, large trunk and thighs…
endomorph n. (Bodybuilding) A person having a theoretical body type with slow metabolism in which weight is gained…
GONOPHOREgonophore n. (Botany) An elongated receptacle above the corolla to elevate the stamens and carpels.
gonophore n. (Zoology) A medusoid bud on a hydroid.
GONOPHORE n. in certain flowers, an elongate structure bearing the stamens and pistil.
GYNOPHOREgynophore n. (Botany) The stalk of a pistil; the stalk, present in certain flowers (such as those of the genera Telopea…
GYNOPHORE n. the pedicel raising the pistil or ovary above the stamens, as in the passion flower.
HARPOONEDharpooned v. Simple past tense and past participle of harpoon.
HARPOON v. to strike with a barbed spear.
HARPOONERharpooner n. A person who uses a harpoon, especially to hunt whales.
HARPOONER n. one who uses a harpoon, also HARPOONEER.
HORSEPONDhorsepond n. A pond for watering horses.
HORSEPOND n. a pond for horses to drink from.
IONOPHOREionophore n. (Chemistry) Any substance that can transfer ions from a hydrophilic medium (such as water) to a hydrophobic…
IONOPHORE n. a chemical compound able to combine with an ion and enable it to pass through a cell membrane.
MORPHOGENmorphogen n. Any substance that governs the movement and development of cells during morphogenesis by forming a concentration…
MORPHOGEN n. a chemical substance that exerts an influence on morphogenesis.
NEOMORPHSneomorphs n. Plural of neomorph.
NEOMORPH n. a structure, part, or organ developed independently, that is, not derived from a similar structure, part, or organ, in a preexisting form.
NOOSPHEREnoosphere n. The sphere of human reason, thought, and consciousness, seen as a theoretical evolutionary stage.
noösphere n. Alternative spelling of noosphere.
NOOSPHERE n. the sum of human knowledge, thought and culture.
PHEROMONEpheromone n. (Biology) A chemical secreted by an animal, especially an insect, that affects the development or behavior…
PHEROMONE n. a chemical substance secreted by an animal that influences the behaviour of others of its species.
PHONOPOREphonopore n. (Historical, telecommunications) An invention allowing telephonic voice communications to be transmitted…
PHONOPORE n. a kind of sound-conducting apparatus.
PINHOOKERpinhooker n. A speculator who buys and sells tobacco.
pinhooker n. One who buys and quickly sells young horses for a profit.
PINHOOKER n. (slang) a speculator who buys up foals hoping to make a profit on them when selling them as yearlings for racing.
PYROPHONEpyrophone n. (Music) a musical instrument in which the sound is produced by flames of gas in tubes of different length.
PYROPHONE n. an organ producing interference-tones by pairs of flames in tubes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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