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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing E, H, M, N, O, P and S

CAMPHONEScamphones n. Plural of camphone.
CAMPHONE n. a combined camera and mobile phone.
EUPHONISMeuphonism n. An agreeable combination of sounds; euphony.
EUPHONISM n. the custom of using pleasing sounding words.
HOMESPUNShomespuns n. Plural of homespun.
HOMESPUN n. cloth made of yarn spun at home; a material resembling this.
MONOPHASEmonophase adj. (Electricity) Having a single phase of alternating current.
monophase adj. (Chemistry, physics) Existing as a single phase (normally a liquid).
MONOPHASE n. a type of matter or a compound that contains only one phase.
MOONPHASEmoonphase n. A phase of the Moon.
MOONPHASE n. a phase of the moon.
MORPHINESmorphines n. Plural of morphine.
MORPHINE n. the principal alkaloid in opium, also MORPHIN.
NEOMORPHSneomorphs n. Plural of neomorph.
NEOMORPH n. a structure, part, or organ developed independently, that is, not derived from a similar structure, part, or organ, in a preexisting form.
PHANTOSMEPHANTOSME n. (Spenser) a phantom.
PHENOGAMSphenogams n. Plural of phenogam.
PHENOGAM n. (Greek) any plant of the class Phaenogamia, flowering plants, also PHAENOGAM.
PHLEGMONSphlegmons n. Plural of phlegmon.
PHLEGMON n. an inflammation with pus.
PHONECAMSphonecams n. Plural of phonecam.
PHONECAM n. a digital camera within a mobile phone.
PHONEMICSphonemics n. (Linguistics) The study of phonemes and their written representations.
PHONEMICS n. the branch of linguistics that deals with phonemes and phoneme systems.
PHONETISMphonetism n. (Dated) The science dealing with vocal sounds; phonetics.
PHONETISM n. the science which treats of vocal sounds.
PREMONISHpremonish v. (Obsolete, transitive) To warn of something in advance.
PREMONISH v. to warn beforehand.
SHOPWOMENshopwomen n. Plural of shopwoman.
SHOPWOMAN n. a woman who works in a shop.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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