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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing E, H, L, N, O, R and S

CHLORINESchlorines n. Plural of chlorine (atoms of chlorine).
CHLORINE n. a yellowish-green halogen gaseous element, also CHLORIN.
HONORLESShonorless adj. Alternative spelling of honourless.
HONORLESS adj. without honour, also HONOURLESS.
HORNGELDShorngelds n. Plural of horngeld.
HORNGELD n. a feudal rent based upon the number of horned cattle.
HOTLINERSHOTLINER n. someone running a radio call-in show.
INHOLDERSinholders n. Plural of inholder.
INHOLDER n. a container.
LONGSHORElongshore adj. Of, relating to, or living along a seacoast.
longshore adj. (Of a current) Flowing parallel to the shoreline, or diagonal to it, rather than perpendicular to it.
Longshore prop.n. A surname.
SCHNORKELschnorkel n. Alternative form of snorkel.
schnorkel v. Alternative form of snorkel.
SCHNORKEL v. (German) to swim underwater using a breathing-tube, also SNORKEL.
SHORELINEshoreline n. The divide between land and a body of water.
shoreline n. The line on a map that illustrates this.
SHORELINE n. the line separating land and water, that fluctuates as water rises and falls.
SLUGHORNEslughorne n. Obsolete spelling of slogan (“a battle cry among the ancient Irish or highlanders of Scotland”).
SLUGHORNE n. (Browning) an old form of slogan, taken by Chatterton and then Browning to be a kind of clarion, also SLUGHORN.
THORNLESSthornless adj. Without thorns.
THORNLESS adj. without thorns.
UNHOLSTERunholster v. (Transitive) To remove (a weapon) from its holster.
UNHOLSTER v. to remove from a holster.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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