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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing E, H, I, M, P, S and T

CHAMPIESTCHAMPY adj. broken up by the trampling of beasts.
EMPATHIESempathies n. Plural of empathy.
EMPATHY n. the comprehension of another's feelings.
EMPATHISEempathise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of empathize.
EMPATHISE v. to enter imaginatively into another's personality and experience his experiences, also EMPATHIZE.
EMPATHISTempathist n. (Philosophy, historical) A member of a group of philosophers who proposed a foundation for human aesthetic…
empathist n. (Science fiction) Someone able to sense the emotions of others through extrasensory perception; an empath.
Empathist n. Alternative letter-case form of empathist.
EMPHATICSemphatics n. Plural of emphatic.
EMPHATIC n. an emphatic consonant.
EUPHEMISTeuphemist n. One who uses euphemisms.
EUPHEMIST n. one who engages in euphemism.
HEMIPTERShemipters n. Plural of hemipter.
HEMIPTER n. (Greek) one of the Hemiptera, an order of insects including bugs and cicadas, also HEMIPTERAN, HEMIPTERON.
KLEPHTISMklephtism n. (Historical) The theft and banditry characteristic of the anti-Ottoman insurgency when Greece was a…
KLEPHTISM n. being a klepht, a Greek brigand.
MATESHIPSmateships n. Plural of mateship.
MATESHIP n. the state of being a mate.
MEPHITISMmephitism n. Alternative form of mephitis.
MEPHITISM n. poisoning by mephitis.
PANTHEISMpantheism n. (Religion) The belief that the Universe is in some sense divine and should be revered. Pantheism identifies…
pantheism n. (Rare, religion) The belief in all gods; omnitheism.
Pantheism n. Alternative spelling of pantheism.
PHONETISMphonetism n. (Dated) The science dealing with vocal sounds; phonetics.
PHONETISM n. the science which treats of vocal sounds.
SHIPMATESshipmates n. Plural of shipmate.
SHIPMATE n. a fellow sailor.
SHIPMENTSshipments n. Plural of shipment.
SHIPMENT n. something that is shipped.
SHIPTIMESSHIPTIME n. the annual arrival of a supply ship.
STEAMSHIPsteamship n. A ship or vessel propelled by steam power.
steam-ship n. Alternative spelling of steamship.
steam␣ship n. Alternative spelling of steamship.
TERAPHIMSteraphims n. Plural of teraphim.
TERAPHIM n. an image of a Semitic household god.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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