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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, H, I, L, S, T and U

BLUESHIFTblueshift n. (Physics) A change in the wavelength of light, in which the wavelength is shorter than when it was emitted…
BLUESHIFT n. a shift of the spectrum towards the blue.
CULCHIESTCULCHIE adj. (Irish) rustic, also CULSHIE.
CULSHIESTCULSHIE adj. rustic, boorish.
FLUSHIESTFLUSHY adj. red-complexioned.
HALITUSEShalituses n. Plural of halitus.
HALITUS n. (Latin) an exhalation.
HAULMIESTHAULMY adj. of or like haulms, stems.
HUBBLIESTHUBBLY adj. having an uneven surface.
LAUGHIESTlaughiest adj. Superlative form of laughy: most laughy.
LAUGHY adj. inclined to laugh.
LUSTIHEADlustihead n. (Obsolete) Lustfulness, delight; licentiousness.
LUSTIHEAD n. (archaic) lustiness, also LUSTIHOOD.
PLUSHIESTplushiest adj. Superlative form of plush: most plush.
PLUSHY adj. luxurious.
SHOUTLINEshoutline n. (Advertising) A line of text that is formatted to be particularly eye-catching.
SHOUTLINE n. a short line of text, usually printed in bold type, drawing attention to a major selling point in an advertisement.
SLEUTHINGsleuthing v. Present participle of sleuth.
sleuthing n. Detective work.
SLEUTHING n. the work of a detective.
SLUSHIESTslushiest adj. Superlative form of slushy: most slushy.
SLUSHY adj. resembling slush.
SLUTCHIERSLUTCHY adj. (English dialect) muddy.
SULPHITESsulphites n. Plural of sulphite.
SULPHITE n. a salt of sulphurous acid, also SULFITE.
THURIBLESthuribles n. Plural of thurible.
THURIBLE n. a censer.
UNHOLIESTunholiest adj. Superlative form of unholy: most unholy.
UNHOLY adj. not holy.
UNHOSTILEunhostile adj. Not hostile.
UNHOSTILE adj. not hostile.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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