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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing E, H, I, L, N, O and R

CHLORINESchlorines n. Plural of chlorine (atoms of chlorine).
CHLORINE n. a yellowish-green halogen gaseous element, also CHLORIN.
CHRONICLEchronicle n. A written account of events and when they happened, ordered by time.
chronicle v. To record in or as in a chronicle.
CHRONICLE n. a record of events.
ENCHORIALenchorial adj. Indigenous, native.
enchorial adj. (Archaic) Of, relating to, or written in the Egyptian Demotic script or language.
ENCHORIAL adj. belonging to or used in a country; domestic, also ENCHORIC.
EUCHLORINEUCHLORIN n. an explosive gas, a mixture of chlorine and chlorine dioxide, also EUCHLORINE.
HELIBORNEheliborne adj. (Military) Transported by helicopter.
HELIBORNE adj. carried by helicopter.
HODIERNALhodiernal adj. (Archaic or literary, rare outside grammar) Of or pertaining to the present day or today; hodiern.
HODIERNAL adj. of or pertaining to the present day.
HOLLERINGhollering v. Present participle of holler.
hollering n. The act of one who hollers.
HOLLER v. to call out or yell to attract attention.
HOLOCRINEholocrine adj. (Anatomy, biology, histology) Of or relating to a mode of secretion in some exocrine glands in which…
HOLOCRINE adj. applied to a gland whose secretion is composed of its own disintegrated cells.
HOTLINERSHOTLINER n. someone running a radio call-in show.
INHOLDERSinholders n. Plural of inholder.
INHOLDER n. a container.
INKHOLDERinkholder n. A container for ink.
INKHOLDER n. a container for ink; the reservoir of a fountain-pen.
NECROPHILNECROPHIL n. someone who is morbidly attracted to corpses, also NECROPHILE.
PARHELIONparhelion n. A bright spot in the sky due to the refraction of the sun’s image by ice crystals.
parhelion n. A reflection or image.
PARHELION n. a halolike light seen in sky opposite the sun.
RHIGOLENErhigolene n. (Organic chemistry) A mixture of volatile hydrocarbons intermediate between gasolene and cymogene, used…
RHIGOLENE n. a volatile liquid obtained from petroleum and used as a local anaesthetic.
SHORELINEshoreline n. The divide between land and a body of water.
shoreline n. The line on a map that illustrates this.
SHORELINE n. the line separating land and water, that fluctuates as water rises and falls.
THORNLIKEthornlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a thorn; pointed, acuate.
THORNLIKE adj. like a thorn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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