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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, H, I, L, M, S and T

ALCHEMISTalchemist n. One who practices alchemy.
alchemist n. One who blends material or substances in the nature or supposed nature of alchemy.
ALCHEMIST n. a practitioner of alchemy.
DITHELISMDITHELISM n. the doctrine that Christ on earth had two wills, human and divine, also DITHELITISM, DIOTHELISM, DYOTHELISM.
HALFTIMEShalftimes n. Plural of halftime.
half-times n. Plural of half-time.
half␣times n. Plural of half time.
HALIMOTEShalimotes n. Plural of halimote.
HALIMOTE n. an erroneous form of hall-moot, the court of a lord of the manor or of a guild, also HALIMOT.
HAULMIESTHAULMY adj. of or like haulms, stems.
HEALTHISMhealthism n. The use of propaganda and coercion (as by government or advertising) to impose established norms of health.
HEALTHISM n. a lifestyle that prioritises health and fitness over anything else.
HELMINTHShelminths n. Plural of helminth.
HELMINTH n. a parasitic intestinal nematode.
HELOTISMShelotisms n. Plural of helotism.
HELOTISM n. slavery or serfdom, also HELOTAGE, HELOTRY.
HOMELIESThomeliest adj. Superlative form of homely: most homely.
HOMELY adj. unattractive.
KLEPHTISMklephtism n. (Historical) The theft and banditry characteristic of the anti-Ottoman insurgency when Greece was a…
KLEPHTISM n. being a klepht, a Greek brigand.
LIGHTSOMElightsome adj. Characterised by light; luminous; emitting or manifesting light; radiant.
lightsome adj. Characterised by lightness of weight, not heavy; nimble, active.
lightsome adj. Upbeat; cheery; light graceful.
LITHEMIASlithemias n. Plural of lithemia.
LITHEMIA n. an excess of uric acid in the blood.
LITHESOMElithesome adj. Characterised or marked by litheness; pliant, limber, nimble, lissome.
LITHESOME adj. easily flexed, lithe, also LISSOM, LISSOME.
MEGALITHSmegaliths n. Plural of megalith.
MEGALITH n. a huge stone used in prehistoric monuments.
MIRTHLESSmirthless adj. Lacking mirth; devoid of joy; sad.
MIRTHLESS adj. without mirth.
MONTHLIESmonthlies n. Plural of monthly.
MONTHLY n. a publication issued once a month.
SHTREIMELshtreimel n. A fur hat, usually worn by some married Haredi Jewish men on Shabbat and during Jewish holidays and…
SHTREIMEL n. (Yiddish) a round, broad-brimmed hat edged with fur worn by some Hasidic Jews.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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