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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing E, H, 2I, L, N and T

ANTIHELIXantihelix n. (Anatomy) The curved prominence of cartilage of the external ear, within or in front of the helix.
ANTIHELIX n. the curved elevation of the cartilage of the ear, within or in front of the helix, also ANTHELIX.
CHILTEPINchiltepin n. A wild chile pepper variety, Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum, found in Mexico and the southwestern US.
CHILTEPIN n. a variety of chili pepper.
GENTILISHgentilish adj. Heathenish; pagan.
GENTILISH adj. heathenish, pagan.
GIRTHLINEgirthline n. The circumference of an animal, measured under the belly and over the back; the part of the animal over…
girthline n. A real or imaginary line around the girth of something.
girthline n. A rope or cable that attaches around the girth of something.
ICHNOLITEichnolite n. A fossil footprint; an ichnite.
ICHNOLITE n. a fossil footprint, also ICHNITE.
LECITHINSlecithins n. Plural of lecithin.
LECITHIN n. a complex substance containing phosphorus.
LICHENISTlichenist n. One who studies lichens.
LICHENIST n. one who studies lichen.
LINTWHITElintwhite n. (Archaic) A linnet.
LINTWHITE n. (Scots) a linnet, also LINTIE.
NEOLITHICneolithic adj. Alternative spelling of Neolithic.
neolithic adj. (Informal) hopelessly outdated.
Neolithic prop.n. The New Stone Age, from circa 8500 to 4500 BCE.
NIGHTLIFEnightlife n. Nocturnal activities, especially visiting nightclubs.
NIGHTLIFE n. life that goes on at night.
NIGHTLIKEnightlike adj. Resembling night or some aspect of it; dark, tenebrous.
NIGHTLIKE adj. like the night.
SIGHTLINEsightline n. A line between an observer or a piece of optical equipment and an object of interest; line of sight.
SIGHTLINE n. a line of sight.
TEPHILLINtephillin n. Plural of tephillah.
TEPHILLAH n. (Hebrew) a phylactery worn by Jews, also TEFILLAH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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