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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing E, G, O, P, R, S and U

GROUPAGESgroupages n. Plural of groupage.
GROUPAGE n. collection of objects into groups.
GROUPLETSgrouplets n. Plural of grouplet.
GROUPLET n. a small group, a clique.
NEWSGROUPnewsgroup n. A repository on a computer network where people can post messages, usually about a single subject.
NEWSGROUP n. a group on the Internet who subscribe to receive mail on a particular topic.
OPPUGNERSoppugners n. Plural of oppugner.
OPPUGNER n. one who oppugns.
PLOUGHERSploughers n. Plural of plougher.
PLOUGHER n. one who ploughs, also PLOWER.
PORTAGUESportagues n. Plural of portague.
PORTAGUE n. a former Portuguese gold coin, also PORTIGUE.
PORTIGUESportigues n. Plural of portigue.
PORTIGUE n. a former Portuguese gold coin, also PORTAGUE.
PROLOGUESprologues n. Plural of prologue.
PROLOGUE v. to preface, also PROLOG.
PROMULGESpromulges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of promulge.
PROMULGE v. (archaic) to proclaim or announce publicly, also PROMULGATE.
PROROGUESprorogues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prorogue.
PROROGUE v. to end a session (of Parliament); to postpone (a meeting), also PROROGATE.
REPLOUGHSreploughs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of replough.
REPLOUGH v. to plough again, also REPLOW.
ROGUESHIProgueship n. (Humorous) The quality or state of being a rogue.
ROGUESHIP n. (archaic) the state of being a rogue.
SEMIGROUPsemigroup n. (Mathematics) Any set for which there is a binary operation that is closed and associative.
SEMIGROUP n. a mathematical group that is closed under an associative binary operation.
SEROGROUPserogroup n. A group of microorganisms only differing from others by their composition in terms of antigens.
serogroup v. To identify and characterize such groups.
SEROGROUP n. any group of bacteria or other microorganisms that have a certain antigen in common.
SUPEREGOSsuperegos n. Plural of superego.
super-egos n. Plural of super-ego.
SUPEREGO n. a part of the psyche.
SUPERGOODsupergood adj. Very good.
SUPERGOOD adj. very good.
SUPERLONGsuperlong adj. (Informal) Very long.
SUPERLONG adj. extremely long.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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