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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, G, N, O, P, R and T

DEPORTINGdeporting v. Present participle of deport.
DEPORT v. to expel from a country.
EXPORTINGexporting v. Present participle and gerund of export.
EXPORT v. to send goods out of a country.
FRONTPAGEfrontpage n. (Less common) Alternative spelling of front page.
frontpage adj. Alternative spelling of front page.
front-page adj. So important as to warrant being put on the front page of newspapers.
GODPARENTgodparent n. A person who, at a child’s naming ceremony or baptism, agrees to help raise the child, originally and…
GODPARENT n. a person who, at baptism, guarantees a child's religious education.
OPERATINGoperating adj. In operation; that operates.
operating adj. Involved in an operation. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
operating v. Present participle and gerund of operate.
PATRONAGEpatronage n. The act of providing approval and support; backing; championship.
patronage n. Customers collectively; clientele; business.
patronage n. The act or state of being a customer of some business.
PETROGENYpetrogeny n. The science of the origin of rocks.
PETROGENY n. the study of the origin of rocks.
PIGNORATEpignorate adj. Synonym of pignoratitious.
pignorate v. To pledge or pawn.
PIGNORATE v. (archaic) to pledge or pawn, also PIGNERATE.
POOTERINGpootering v. Present participle of pooter.
POOTER v. to hurry away.
PORTERINGportering v. Present participle of porter.
PORTER v. to carry luggage.
POSTERINGpostering n. The putting up of posters.
POSTER v. to stick bills on.
POTHERINGpothering v. Present participle of pother.
POTHER v. to make a commotion.
POTTERINGpottering v. Present participle of potter.
pottering n. The act of one who potters.
POTTERING adj. busying oneself with trifling tasks.
POTTINGERpottinger n. A dish for pottage; a porringer.
Pottinger prop.n. A surname.
POTTINGER n. a small dish for soup or porridge, also PORRENGER, PORRINGER.
POWTERINGpowtering v. Present participle of powter.
POWTER v. (Scots) to poke, rummage.
PROGESTINprogestin n. (Chemistry) A synthetic progestagen intended to mimic the effects of progesterone, often for contraceptive purposes.
PROGESTIN n. a hormone concerned with changes before pregnancy.
PROTOGINEprotogine n. (Geology) A form of granite containing silvery flakes of talc or similar minerals.
PROTOGINE n. a kind of granite or gneiss containing a silvery talcose mineral.
REPORTINGreporting n. (Economics, journalism) The creation of reports, as for a business or a journal.
reporting v. Present participle of report.
REPORTING adj. giving an account of.
REPOSTINGreposting v. Present participle of repost.
reposting n. The act of posting something again.
reposting n. Assignment to a different post or station.
REPOTTINGrepotting v. Present participle of repot.
repotting n. The act of moving a plant into a different pot.
REPOTTING n. the act of repotting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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