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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing E, G, I, N, 2O and T

ENOLOGISTenologist n. Alternative form of oenologist.
ENOLOGIST n. one who studies enology, the science of winemaking.
ENROOTINGenrooting v. Present participle of enroot.
ENROOT v. to implant firmly.
FOOTERINGfootering v. Present participle of footer.
FOOTER v. to mess around aimlessly.
GENOTOXICgenotoxic adj. (Oncology) Capable of damaging genetic material such as DNA, and thus causing mutations or possibly cancer.
GENOTOXIC adj. harmful to genetic material esp. in causing genetic mutation.
GOITROGENgoitrogen n. Any agent that causes goiter, such as thiouracil.
GOITROGEN n. a substance (such as thiourea or thiouracil) that induces goiter formation.
NEOGOTHICneogothic adj. (Architecture, literature) Alternative form of neo-Gothic.
neogothic adj. Of or relating to the neogoth subculture.
Neogothic adj. (Architecture, literature) Alternative form of neogothic.
NEOLOGISTneologist n. One who coins a new word or new words.
neologist n. An innovator in any doctrine or system of belief, especially in theology.
NEOLOGIST n. one who introduces new words or new senses of old words into a language, also NEOLOGIAN.
ONTOGENIContogenic adj. Ontogenetic.
ONTOGENIC adj. relating to ontogenesis, the origin and development of a single individual organism, also ONTOGENETIC.
OOGENETICoogenetic adj. Of or pertaining to oogenesis.
oögenetic adj. Alternative spelling of oogenetic.
OOGENETIC adj. relating to oogenesis, the enlargement and meiosis of an oogonium that produces an ovum.
POOTERINGpootering v. Present participle of pooter.
POOTER v. to hurry away.
PROTOGINEprotogine n. (Geology) A form of granite containing silvery flakes of talc or similar minerals.
PROTOGINE n. a kind of granite or gneiss containing a silvery talcose mineral.
REBOOTINGrebooting v. Present participle of reboot.
rebooting n. The act by which something (A computer, a TV series, etc.) is rebooted.
REBOOT v. to renew the boots of.
REFOOTINGrefooting v. Present participle of refoot.
refooting n. The act of supplying with a new foot.
REFOOT v. to replace the foot of.
RETOOLINGretooling v. Present participle of retool.
retooling n. The fact or process of re-equipping or modifying something.
RETOOL v. to reequip with tools.
THEOGONICtheogonic adj. Of or relating to theogony.
THEOGONIC adj. accounting for the origin or presence of gods, also THEOGONICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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