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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing E, G, I, M, N, O and T

COEMPTINGCOEMPT v. to buy up the entire supply of a product.
COMPETINGcompeting adj. Being in the state of competition (often unintentionally).
competing v. Present participle of compete.
COMPETE v. to contend for a prize.
ENTOMBINGentombing v. Present participle of entomb.
ENTOMB v. to place in a tomb, also INTOMB.
FOMENTINGfomenting v. Present participle of foment.
FOMENT v. to foster or promote.
GEMMATIONgemmation n. (Biology) asexual reproduction via gemmae.
gemmation n. (Botany) arrangement of buds on the stalk.
GEMMATION n. budding or gemma-formation.
GEOMANTICgeomantic adj. Of or relating to geomancy.
GEOMANTIC adj. relating to geomancy, divination by casting earth onto a surface.
MEGATONICMEGATONIC adj. relating to a megaton, a million tons.
MENTORINGmentoring v. Present participle of mentor.
mentoring n. An arrangement by which one person mentors another.
MENTORING n. the act of serving as friend and tutor to.
MISGOTTENmisgotten adj. Ill-gotten.
MISGOTTEN adj. (Spenser) unjustly gotten.
MITOGENICmitogenic adj. Of or relating to a mitogen.
mitogenic adj. Causing mitosis.
MITOGENIC adj. causing cell division.
MOLESTINGmolesting v. Present participle of molest.
MOLEST v. to touch or interfere with.
MORGANITEmorganite n. (Mineralogy) A gemstone of pegmatite deposits. Morganite is a transparent pink variety of beryl.
MORGANITE n. a rosy pink semiprecious gem, a variety of beryl.
MOTHERINGmothering v. Present participle of mother.
mothering n. The nurturing of a child by its mother.
mothering n. The protective behaviour of a mother towards her child.
MOUTERINGMOUTER v. to take mouter for, also MULTURE.
SOMETHINGsomething pron. An uncertain or unspecified thing; one thing.
something pron. (Colloquial, of someone or something) A quality to a moderate degree.
something pron. (Colloquial, of a person) A talent or quality that is difficult to specify.
TIMENOGUYtimenoguy n. (Nautical) A rope used on a ship to prevent other lines and riggings tangling with each other.
TIMENOGUY n. a rope stretched from place to place on a ship; a makeshift.
TREMORINGtremoring v. Present participle of tremor.
tremoring n. A tremor.
TREMOR v. to quiver, shake.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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