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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing E, G, 2I, 2S and T

BIESTINGSbiestings n. Alternative spelling of beestings (“first milk after giving birth”).
BIESTINGS n. the first milk drawn from a cow after calving, aka colostrum or foremilk, also BEASTINGS, BEESTINGS.
DESISTINGdesisting v. Present participle of desist.
DESIST v. to cease doing something.
DIGESTIFSdigestifs n. Plural of digestif.
DIGESTIF n. an alcoholic drink taken after a meal.
DIGITISESdigitises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of digitise.
DIGITISE v. to put into digital form, also DIGITIZE.
GASEITIESgaseities n. Plural of gaseity.
GASEITY n. the state of being gaseous.
GIBBSITESgibbsites n. Plural of gibbsite.
GIBBSITE n. a mineral, a hydrate of alumina.
GRISLIESTgrisliest adj. Superlative form of grisly: most grisly.
GRISLY adj. horrifying, also GREISLY, GRIESLY, GRYSELY.
HYGIEISTShygieists n. Plural of hygieist.
HYGIEIST n. one skilled in hygiene, also HYGEIST, HYGIENIST.
INDIGESTSindigests n. Plural of indigest.
INDIGEST v. to suffer indigestion.
RESISTINGresisting v. Present participle and gerund of resist.
resisting n. Resistance.
RESIST v. to strive against, oppose.
SISTERINGsistering v. Present participle of sister.
sistering adj. (Obsolete) contiguous.
SISTER v. to treat like a female sibling.
SLINGIESTSLINGY adj. denoting a throwing motion which resembles the action of using a sling.
STEININGSsteinings n. Plural of steining.
STEINING n. a stone lining of a well, also STEANING, STEENING.
STINGIESTstingiest adj. Superlative form of stingy: most stingy.
STINGY adj. mean, niggardly.
SWINGIESTswingiest adj. Superlative form of swingy: most swingy.
SWINGY adj. having swing.
VISAGISTEvisagiste n. A make-up artist.
VISAGISTE n. an expert in facial makeup, also VISAGIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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