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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing E, G, 2I, R, S and V

DIVERSINGDIVERSE v. to turn aside.
GRAVITIESgravities n. Plural of gravity.
GRAVITY n. the force of attraction toward the earth.
GRIEVINGSgrievings n. Plural of grieving.
GRIEVING n. a state of grief.
INVERSINGinversing v. Present participle of inverse.
INVERSE v. to turn something into the opposite.
LIVERINGSliverings n. Plural of livering.
LIVERING n. the act of thickening or gelling.
PREVISINGprevising v. Present participle of previse.
PREVISE v. to foresee.
REVILINGSrevilings n. Plural of reviling.
REVILING n. the act of reviling.
REVIVINGSrevivings n. Plural of reviving.
REVIVING n. the act of reviving.
RIVETINGSrivetings n. Plural of riveting.
RIVETING n. the act of riveting.
SCRIEVINGscrieving v. Present participle of scrieve.
SCRIEVE v. (Scots) to glide swiftly along.
SERVICINGservicing v. Present participle of service.
servicing n. The act of performing maintenance on something.
SERVICING n. the act of maintaining e.g. a vehicle.
SHIVERINGshivering v. Present participle of shiver.
shivering n. The action of a person or thing that shivers; a trembling.
SHIVERING adj. trembling with fear or cold.
SHRIEVINGshrieving v. Present participle of shrieve.
SHRIEVE v. (Spenser) to hear a confession and grant absolution, also SHRIVE.
SILVERINGsilvering v. Present participle of silver.
silvering n. The process of coating a surface with a thin layer of silver (or a similar metal), especially so as to form a mirror.
silvering n. The silver used in this kind of coating.
SKIVERINGskivering v. Present participle of skiver.
SKIVER v. (dialect) to skewer.
SLIVERINGslivering v. Present participle of sliver.
SLIVER v. to cut into long, thin pieces.
VERDIGRISverdigris n. A blue-green patina or rust that forms on copper-containing metals.
verdigris n. (Chemistry, dated) Copper acetate.
verdigris n. (Color) The colour of this patina or material.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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