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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing E, G, 2I, N, T and U

CUITERINGCUITER v. (Scots) to wheedle; to pamper.
DISTINGUEdistingue adj. Fashionably distinguished or elegant; having an air of superiority.
distingué adj. Alternative spelling of distingue.
DISTINGUE adj. (French) (of a male) distinguished esp. in manner, or bearing.
INGENUITYingenuity n. The ability to solve difficult problems, often in original, clever, and inventive ways.
ingenuity n. (Now rare) Ingenuousness; honesty, straightforwardness.
INGENUITY n. the quality of being ingenious.
INTRIGUEDintrigued v. Simple past tense and past participle of intrigue.
INTRIGUE v. to arouse the curiosity of.
INTRIGUERintriguer n. One who intrigues; one who forms plots, or pursues an object by secret means.
INTRIGUER n. one who intrigues.
INTRIGUESintrigues n. Plural of intrigue.
intrigues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intrigue.
INTRIGUE v. to arouse the curiosity of.
MINUETINGminueting v. Present participle of minuet.
MINUET v. to dance a minuet.
NIGRITUDEnigritude n. Blackness; the state of being black.
NIGRITUDE n. the essential quality of the Negro genius, also NEGRITUDE.
PIQUETINGpiqueting v. Present participle of piquet.
PIQUET v. to act as a picket, also PICKET, PICQUET.
QUIETINGSquietings n. Plural of quieting.
QUIETING n. the act of making quiet.
REQUITINGrequiting v. Present participle of requite.
REQUITE v. to repay.
REUNITINGreuniting v. Present participle of reunite.
reuniting n. An act of reunion.
REUNITE v. to come together again.
TINGUAITEtinguaite n. (Geology) A variety of phonolite.
TINGUAITE n. a fine-grained igneous rock composed essentially of feldspar, nepheline and aegirine.
UNIGNITEDunignited adj. Not ignited.
UNIGNITED adj. not ignited.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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