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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing E, G, H, I, L, N and O

BEHOLDINGbeholding v. Present participle of behold.
beholding adj. Obsolete form of beholden.
beholding n. The act by which something is beheld; regard; contemplation.
BEHOWLINGbehowling v. Present participle of behowl.
BEHOWL v. (Shakespeare) to howl at.
ENHALOINGenhaloing v. Present participle of enhalo.
ENHALO v. to surround with a halo.
HALOGENIChalogenic adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Relating to, characteristic of, or containing a halogen.
HALOGENIC adj. pertaining to halogens, a group of elements including chlorine, fluorine etc.
HOLLERINGhollering v. Present participle of holler.
hollering n. The act of one who hollers.
HOLLER v. to call out or yell to attract attention.
HOSTELINGhosteling n. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of hostelling.
HOSTELING n. the act of staying overnight in hostels when travelling, also HOSTELLING.
HOTELINGSHOTELING n. (in an office where hot-desking is practised) the advance booking of a desk by an employee.
HOTELLINGhotelling n. The short-term provision of office space to workers who either are temporary or usually work elsewhere.
HOTELLING n. (in an office where hot-desking is practised) the advance booking of a desk by an employee, also HOTELING.
HOUSELINGhouseling n. The act of administering the eucharist.
houseling adj. Of or pertaining to the eucharist.
houseling adj. Pertaining to any of the sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church, such as marriage.
HOVELLINGhovelling n. A method of securing a good draught in chimneys by covering the top, leaving openings in the sides…
HOVEL v. to live in a wretched dwelling.
NOCHELINGNOCHEL v. to repudiate the debts of someone, also NOTCHEL.
RHIGOLENErhigolene n. (Organic chemistry) A mixture of volatile hydrocarbons intermediate between gasolene and cymogene, used…
RHIGOLENE n. a volatile liquid obtained from petroleum and used as a local anaesthetic.
SHOVELINGshoveling v. (American spelling) present participle of shovel.
shoveling n. Alternative form of shovelling.
SHOVEL v. to use a digging implement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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